Torpedo Run Chapter 11

How, after taking the planetary senate hostage, they had fired off those huge naval weapons and blasted the spaceport to so much ash and broken concrete.

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Tammy Ch 2

Well, senator parson kind of smuggled a group of us out of the district up in chicago, and once we were on the boat, it was like cadi... turned into a compass.

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The Village Oracle

Emperor darsus asked me to go fetch a senator's son at his house. i expected a spoiled little brat, that's not at all what i got. instead, i read alexi as insecure and naïve.

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The Purple Space Caterpillar - Part 1

About four hundred years ago the rauian empire was in long war with the centurian senate.

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The Parade

Ibuki recognized the mayor was there and some other big named state politician, maybe a senator? district attorney clare was also there, looking very uncomfortable.

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It's An Epic Finale (Part 2)

You read correctly, teams will head to the capitol, where the house of representatives and the senate have their regularly scheduled meetings. they will hand their clue to toner, who will exchange it for another clue.

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Academia - Part 7

He can't mean senator pricewater, can he?_ the thought was more than enough to keep him occupied for the rest of the ride.

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What Is To Belong

The senate?" "who is your king?" "we don't have one." arethusa stared at me for a moment. somehow she'd grown in intensity if not in size. "you must be lying." "i'm not, we don't have a king, this is america."

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Book of Changes Part 3

Instead, the house of anubis was renowned among its peers in the house of the hawk, house of the snake, house of the cat, house of the lion, and others, for having manipulated themselves into choosing their own nomarchs through control of the legislative senate

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Bruce and Danny Ch. 11: A Busy Summer

"it's not even time to go yet and i'm already nervous about testifying before the senate." i said.

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Briar Ch 7

Briar insisted on getting the details of cadi's encounter with the senator, and just could not help but laugh at how she'd handled it in the end.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 11

We really don't want to have the death of a patient with such a high importance to the senate on our heads. i'm sure you can understand that."

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