Different but the same – Chapter 2 Help

It took 4 nurses to pin me down and hold me still so they could sedate me." "so that's why you went a little skits when dr.

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Excerpt from Chapter 6 part 4 of Asterion Academy

I followed her at a sedate pace holding back a yawn and wondering where she could possibly be taking me, and why she wanted me to go there. she glanced back to make sure i was following a few times then stepped onto one of the portals.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 20-A Turn Of Events-Part 3

The sedative had complete control over me. i tried breathing through my nose,but it had closed too. "this is how we go out?",i asked myself,"we suffocate on tables?" then,something happened,everything went white.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 18-A Turn Of Events-Part 1

He was asleep,with a bit of a snore,suggesting he'd been sedated. he was muzzled,with chains around his ankles and neck. "i'm in position tyro,syralth's voice came over the radio,tell me when to kill the power." "do it now,i said. the lights went off.

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Being Free

They each had a baton ready as and outlier readied a syringe with what was no doubt a sedative. alex took in a deep breath, relaxing his arms.

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Beckon of Light

Robin got out of bed, turned on the light, sighed and went out to the living room where i usually kept my sedative medicine, used to calm my thoughts. i got snotty because i had shed so many tears and my breathing was now uncontrollable.

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Chapter 18 -- Wymera

"she is currently heavily sedated. mostly for our safety." "no, no.. i mean the body. how functional is it? would i be able to produce an heir?" "sadly no.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 38-Requiem

"it's a high powered sedative,"he said,"you'll be sleeping for a few days,but other than that you'll be fine." my vision began to grow dim as the sedative kicked in and the chinook began to spin up.

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Kindred Spirits, A Lesson Learned

"the sedative is already wearing off. fascinating. i wonder if he is somehow developing a resistance to it."

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Ovoid Beginnings

To walk the streets and feel the glass and stone under me was so violently surreal that my mind was quicker to assume it had failed in its sanity and had began to try to naturally sedate me once more.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 11

"sir, you can come calmly or under sedation. it's your choice."

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Character Sheet: Eros.

That time's 'sedative' still hadn't completely worn out, and he had been woken up by a smack in the face and the smell of junk food (a hotdog, actually) placed next to his snout.

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