Choose your own path pt7
You smile at the elf."Excuse me, mistress, but could I hold on to that favour for now?" "If you want to, then go ahead." The elf nods, and conjures a book from under her pillow, beginning to read. You quietly tip toe towards the door on the left, and...
The Path Less Traveled, Part 6
Solitude. Three years spent in the dungeons of Castle Dour, the most secure prison in all of Skyrim. A place of dark walls and small cells, and the cries and shouts of deranged prisoners and madmen. Three years sitting in the same cell and being...
The Path Less Traveled, Part 5
I woke up a day later in the dungeons of Whiterun, in a jail cell in the back of the small prison. As I groaned and rolled off of the thin bedroll to sit up, the reminder of the fight came back to my mind. I groaned again and pushed my hands to my...
The path Less Traveled, Part 4
Six days after we took the caravan, I was woken up by Rokir. The elf kicked me in the back and I jerked awake, reflexively swinging a knife that I took from my bedroll. The elf slapped my hand away and, as I saw it was him, said, "Get up," with his...
The Path Less Traveled, Part 3
Three days after Rekir's burial, we had our first good caravan come by. Brekish and I were standing near the entrance to the tower when we heard the wheels of the horse-drawn cart rolling up the road, and I left the tower to look down the road. Two...
The Path Less Traveled, Part 2
The morning was starting to drag into mid-day before I saw anything remotely interesting happen. I sat at the top of the tower in the single chair there. Nobody walked the roads, and down below the river babbled and churned its way to the waterfall...
Path of our Fate...Story version...
#1 of path's of our fate... comic: []( * * * the alpha fox woke with the yawning of the new dawn's sun.
Choose your own path Pt6
**I believe this is what's called a bluff.** As you search around, you find a rock that's pretty much the same shape and size as the gem sitting innocently on the altar. You can't tell whether it's trapped on not, but logic dictates that it should...
Choose your own path Pt4
After ten minutes of jogging, you come back to the opening to the cave, and you take the other path.
Choose your own path Pt3
**You are not working together, but oh well, I took the comments and added them up.** As you lift your torch higher, you decide to take the left hand passage, and as you walk down it you notice it curves in a zig zag pattern quite regularly, almost...
Choose your own path Pt2
**We shall see whether those choices will serve you well, but you must work together, this is not a democracy.** With a casual yawn you begin to get dressed, a light tunic and trousers the basics, and both in dark colours. You have learnt from many...
Choose your own path Pt1
**Welcome all, to get the next part you need to discuss with your fellow commenters and decide the best course for this character.** The sound of the rooster crowing wakes you, and you stir from a deep slumber. As you open your eyes, you see the inn...