The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 6 - The Bleeding Edge
#7 of the edge of sapphire "they did _what!?_" yaroi's roar of shock and indignation cut through the hurried conversation of the bridge-staff at battle-cry volume.
The Way of the Pirate: Gold for Blood
- to be of any use, just as might be expected of ships that had their bottoms drilled full of holes.
Zero Days SInce
The dragon had barely felt even a bit of temptation for the last couple of weeks. but when he had walked past a pair of people trying to use one car to jumpstart another one of them dropped one of the jumper cables.
Streams of Life: An Ancient Letter
#8 of streams of life to his lordship and majesty raynald dravarious hawk from the pen of his excellency's high scholar maxwell leodius your majesty, contained herein is a most faithful replication of the relevant text recovered from the royal library of
Sea'an: On His Own
The town of landrey was covered over in a fresh coat of rain. a light, misting drizzle fell down, making soft splatters of dirty water on the slightly muddy streets as it dripped off of the corners of the buildings.
Magik & Myth; Falling of the Dusk; Blood Dawn (Chapter 1)
She clutched tightly to her necklace, the symbol of a tree made out of silver, and given to each of the students of dawn when they first enter the temple.
Flash Sentry Is Not a Hero
I deduced, it was time for the most delicate phase of the process. she proceeded to wrap the rope in front of her mouth at the base of the shaft.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 30
He was seriously getting sick of all of this.
Clipped Wings
of yours.
The Days and the Seasons
of the sacrifices of rebels.
The Snow Demon
He is the child of both - my wolves know him as a cousin of theirs, and i know him as a creation of man, and while not a child of man and woman, he is sprung from the mind of man. in that way he is both a child of man and a child of the forest.
Hurricane Kim Chapter 23
At the end of it, i could feel her. ribbons of thought, of concern, of loss, were entangled for the briefest of moments. she touched me, we caressed each other's minds and then calmed our children.