The mouse smiled. "that's one way to put it ... "
another individual approached their table. a strapping beaver in a pair of overalls. "howdy, mouse." he nodded at emerson and then looked to charlie.
Character Development, Cowgirl, Erotic, Flirtation, Heat, Love, M/F, Mouse, Orgasm, Passion, Plot Development, Romance, Skunk, Squirrel, Vaginal
The mouse winked, before tucking the bat under his arm and grasping up the broad head, as though it weighed nothing. perhaps it didn't.
Corruption, Digestion, Dylan, Magic, Mouse, Nightmares, Otter, Plush, SBRANG, Vore (soft), dreaming
mouse grooming himself like mouses do: double check."
giggle-squeak. "i can't help it ... "
"i know," she said, grinning. "mm ... and i love mouses, so ... the fact that you can't help being a total mouse, well ... only serves me better."
Bat, Character Development, Mouse, Romance
"or you," she whispered, "are bein' a silly mouse."
"me? a silly mouse?"
"mm-hmm. i've often known you to be a silly mouse," she added.
"why, i never," field began, giving a mock-scoff. "a silly mouse ... "
Bat, Character Development, Mouse, Romance
Aria, in the midst of it, in the midst of the moment, put her muzzle to the mouse's left ear. whispered something unseen.
the mouse blushed and looked to her. ears turning red.
"mm?" she went.
he nodded shyly.
Character Development, Mouse, Rabbit
The mouse looked pained.
prancer, meeting the mouse's eyes, replied, "he told me 'i love you'."
the mouse closed her heavily-watered eyes and nodded, smiling slightly. as if this had triggered happy memories of her own love.
Character Development, Mouse, Rabbit, Rat, Romance, Sci-Fi, Squirrel
The mouse remained quiet.
" **awnser me!**" arc suddenly howled, bolting up right in rage. to the companions fear arc eyed a wine glass, and allowed a huffed smile to surface once more in his wild eyes. "... you are mr. sedway."
the mouse gulped.
Anthro, Arc, Mouse, Rat, Rex, chazz, osod, rowan, sedway
So, mouses did that, yes. squeaked and chittered.
but, then, the bat reasoned, so do i. i do those things, too. they aren't mouse-exclusive sounds. though i'll admit that mouses 'sing' them well.
but, surely, there were other sounds?
Bat, Character Development, Mouse, Romance
No more for mouse-bats. and you are a mouse-bat," he insisted. "say it with me. i am a mouse-bat."
"mouze-bats. da ... a mouze-bats."
"no, daddy's a mouse. pure-bred field mouse. you're half-mouse, half-bat. mouse-bat.
Bat, Mouse, Romance
I know how to handle mouse-bats," the honey-tan mouse said, eyes going back to his daughter.
"i'm sure you do. but we don't got no mouse-bats.
Bat, Mouse, Romance