Ch. 1. Beginings

The fox in the hologram began to twist and mutate, his body could melt and reform as a black shadow. another form was seen on the hologram. it was a walking dog.

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 20

It did not melt them. belial then upgraded his fire to hellfire, and the dark red fire slowly melt the ice, but it was still not enough. he quickly knew what the ice was. "fuck!

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Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 6

At the base of the pyramid, where the whole building had melted, was a mass grave of so many bones, clearly from dead hellhounds. but what made it strange was how the bones looked like.

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dreams of memories

Scar quickly lifted his head up and spotted a blured figure entering the entrance in front of,him.. same entrance he wanted to go in the ground under him melted and enprisoned his feet as it returned to solid state.

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Proxy and Molly: Dinner and a Move (3)

Sometimes i wonder what is it worth then i take a look at them and i just melt. everything about them just makes me melt." "i say go for it. the worst thing is that they said no and you move on to only find someone better."

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My Origin Story (Work-in-Progress)

Realizing that the ice had melted and was absorbed into the ground, "but the ground can only absorb so much", he thought to himself.


Star Hopper Chapter 7

His paw soon found the one weakness in the door, a small hole containing the locking mechanism and with a quick blast of his blow torch he melted the inside, melting the lock and opening the door.

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david's collage days part seventen

David went to the local scrap metal place but they had melted them down into other things and they didn't have any odd bits or any thing to work from just very little bits that were no good.

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Ramiro Encounters Travis

If i sat out there, my brain would have surely melted alongside the ice cream. no prisoners, remember? my fingers were all sticky as if i had just dipped them in glue.

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Alicia's fight for a night with her Knight

Her hands partially melting into their perches on her hips, poorly expressing her frustration."but brother brian, i would just rather use magic!" "your attempt to charm me failed and i was able to strike you repeatedly.

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The Paintbrush (Anthro Amaterasu TF/TG)

It was a large paintbrush with white tip melting into black. it seemed trivial, but andy knew that he would walk away with it. the bidding started out calm and normal, many patrons jumping in and pulling out shortly afterwards.

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Swarm Front

The shape of the scales on his arm were starting to shift, growing thicker and darker as the avian futures melted away.

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