A Tale of Lost Souls: Part Two

Almost an hour later our young colt finds himself at the rusted, iron gate of Flowers Manor. Another shiver runs down the poor pony's spine as he pushes against the decayed gate, wincing at the high pitched squeal of the rusted metal. The colt's ears...

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A Tale of Lost Souls: Part One

He didn't have much, but he treasured what little he had; an old brush with several bristles missing, his old blanket from his youth and various containers, some with food, others containing small amounts of water.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 9

Stated in these terms, we know very little of the first six months, except that at the end of them the three tribes had finished their long trek to a new land, and found equestria.

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Breaking the Barrier Chapter 10

And yea, i guess i have changed; at least a little. i've had to change in order to keep up with the rest of the group." "what it's like, you know, working with them?" that spark of curiosity flashes over twilight's eyes.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 8

Sure, from the little bit of small talk that we shared she seemed a little stuck up, but after a few days she loosens up. she kinda reminds me of twilight. and that brings me to the part that i dislike about her. sweet celestia is she picky!

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 7

It takes all of my self control to not 'squee' and start jumping around like a little filly.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 6

He questions, his voice muffling a little as he reaches behind a desk to plug in the record player. i tap a hoof to my chin in thought.

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Chapter nine:Zecoras story & conclusion

As she took a bite of toast she looked at me "all i can say is that i went through the same thing when i was of little size, with a group of friends i recall." we listened to all the details exactly sounding like what we went through that night.

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Chapter 8: The mystery mare.

The building looked run down and appeared to have not been lived in for years. It was as dark as the forest, and the grass was tall and wild. We walked through the "Once used to be happy" village as calm as we could, and just as we where heading along...

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Chapter 7: Their here.

We ran out of the door as fast as our legs could carry us and Howl slammed the door shut. "Dude, what the hell was that?!" Howl asked. "It's as exactly what I feared, this random town in the middle of the Everfree Forest, no cutie marks!"I said with...

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Chapter 6:Whats going on here?

In a little while, we here the door unlock and howl welcomes us inside. "did you manage to find a light switch?" "no" "and what am i tripping over?" zecora was gong through her saddle bag and she got some powders out and mixed them.

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Chapter 5:Sunshine village

As Howl was giving me a dirty look when I finished packing all of our packs, the three of us went down the stairs and through the tarp like door. We go around the tent and find where the broken trail is, and we travel down the path. I reach into my...

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