The Convention
It's one of those japanese-style breathing masks that covers the nose and mouth, only this one features a colorful illustration of a snow leopard's grinning muzzle.
Dear Diary [Part 3]
Ideas to life, check out my commission information below: if you want to see the latest updates with my work, consider pledging your support over at my patreon page where you'll get early access to more stories and illustrations
Circles: a retrospective review
At the end of this run, fabianek, better known in the fandom as k-9, moved across the country to further his artistic career, which put a damper on further work, so the end of the story was instead released as an illustrated novel in 2015.
Lunch and a Fill-up
Regrettably there were no accompanying illustrations; i had imagined it might go well with two pictures, one showing the setting in the present and one showing it as it was in the past.
The Outlander 1 11
With that, sandokhan rummaged around in his satchel producing one of his great grandfathers' journals and started flicking through the pages until he came across an illustration of a grand sandstone building. the fox pointed at the picture, "here.
Commissions Available - $$$ for the Bills (8/7/2022)
If you have some drawings, illustrations, or just an interest of seeing your own story or ocs to come alive in writing, then i'm your guy! i do sfw and nsfw stories and have a high personal standard to make you the best possible story i can write.
Writing Commissions Available (8/3/2022)
If you have some drawings, illustrations, or just an interest of seeing your own story or ocs to come alive in writing, then i'm your guy! i do sfw and nsfw stories and have a high personal standard to make you the best possible story i can write.
Asch'an (Part One)
The hull was corroded, patterns etched into her battle plate by micrometeoroid impacts, hidden only by the scorch marks that illustrated the many battles that she had seen at one point or another.
The Etched Pass Part 2 [One-Hour Story]
Story ideas to life, check out my commission information below: if you want to see the latest updates with my work, consider pledging your support over at my patreon page where you'll get early access to more stories and illustrations
File #8
He asked, looking to strato who accessed his console with precision, despite his tired and stressed state, illustrated by his hair being all over the place. "we are in good shape commander..." replied strato with professionalism.
Silver Lining - 2
It's pictures, mostly: old photographs, postcards, and a couple illustrations not quite big enough to make out from where you're laying.
Fennix race sheet part 2 (teeth and some sub-species)
The illustration is there to clarify how fennix teeth work, hope it helps your understanding. thanks to katsuoryuu and captaingermania for helping, katsuo did some editing and some suggestions.