The Escort

There wouldn't be any risk and he wouldn't have came close to harming his mouse. that's when a new thought came to him, why did she step between?

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Nesu and the Sky Pirates Chapter 1 "In The Beginning"

One still remained and she would protect him from harm. that was the last thing king alazar heard before he crumbled into ashes. the boy grew up into a bright, talented young man, but being the last immortal wasn't easy.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 61

"no, none of it is acceptable, but as your loving husband, it is my duty to keep you safe from harm, and i can't do that if you go storming headlong into danger!" "and as a mother, it is my job to make sure my kids are all right!"

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Rising Tide - Part 3

No matter which side is right, what's the harm in allowing for the possibility that there are things in this world we don't understand?" she asked.

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A hitwoman and two belligerent anacondas are guests at a party

As the snake was about to sink down onto the prince, the chair gave out and the squealing prince fell backwards out of harms way.

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The Golden One pt2

I made a promise to hikari before she passed on to train him so that he could be safe from harm."

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They can cause them or others is minimal, they'll cause themselves greater harm by denying themselves the exercise of their own funktionlust in the end.

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A Bronze Rising: Clandestine Policy

I honestly didn't care about what was difficult or would harm the political career of a man i had yet to meet in person.

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Be Careful What You Wish For As It Can Come True chapter one

Soon chu chu learned that mom keep's her word as mom had promised that chu chu would be protected from harm and only stupid people would hurt a infant as infant's are god's children thus it's a crime to hurt a infant.

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Boundless ep-2

"i won't allow you to harm him." that voice, i remembered now, it was shadow's voice, the voice from my dream. "i'm aiming to harm you first, then that stupid human." he replied quickly charging towards shadow with the knife in hand.

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A Wolfs Heart, Part Three: Emerging Shadows

We set out into the forest, are eyes we're alert and ready for anything that could stand between us, and the quest to find my missing pack members and to make sure no harm fell there way.

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Wasteland Saviour - Rebirth - ch2

"this part of the world fared badly, not many of your kind survived the initial event, many of the remainder were harmed before i could begin to extend protection. there are some though that need special care.

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