Love is Color Blind Chapter 1: Terms of Agreement

He was packing his stuff up, preparing the move up to his promised third floor room, and he decided to vent his frustration out to his sister, xuezha.

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Long Cat

Luna sighed frustratingly. he walked back home as he continued to grow.

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Fugitives Part 2#

Josh had a frustrated look in his eyes and he clenched his fists. craig could tell he was frustrated and decided to stop giving josh problems.

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A New Life (Part 6)

His frustration rose even more as he struggled to find the source. suddenly, he felt something. it was small, and evaded his grasp when he reached for it.

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Off Leash Chapter 3

I gave a huff of frustration as i regarded her for a moment, trying to buy a little time to think. i didn't know what to make of this woman, but i couldn't see any alternatives.

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A Master's Lesson

Not me, i used it to get all the frustration and anger out. i'd often pelt the wood with ravage strikes, clawing at the bark, anything to make the embedded pain go away.

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Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 7

_zack said in frustration. charlie rubbed his head as he shifted on his paws. "can we get the ice pack before you keep asking questions?" zack's response was immediate. "will you answer me?"

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Two Halves of One Whole, Part Three

The breeze from her wagging tail nearly blew other phones off the display behind her as she watched the transaction with a beaming smile, and even askim couldn't hold onto his frustration when he saw how happy she was. "in pink, please!"

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Don't Do Drugs, Kid's.

She sighed in frustration. "i guess i'll make up for the lack of sleep." lando placed his hand on her shoulder, attempting to flip the shaggy brown hair from his eyes, but wouldn't budge.

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Change in Venue- April

Mikael swears out loud at the frustration of having been played so easily and for being so foolish to not know where his tongue is in relation to his teeth.

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Outcast - Chapter 9

I let her read into that whatever she wanted; i was too tired and frustrated to care. she didn't seem to pick up on the subtext, though, and carried on.

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Slice of Life (Otherwise Untitled)

Looking down, the anger melted out of the hen's frown leaving only frustration and sorrow. "sorry, i can't help." as she stepped off the subway and out to the lonely platform, roland scrambled to follow with a stuttering plea.

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