Something common in boys around the age of fourteen, but this was something different. it would eventually escalate into sexual touching and cuddling one year but hadn't ever gone beyond that.
A New Life in a New Body: Perfect Timing
It was night and he was very tired fourteen captures today. then his high beams revealed a tree. he slammed on his breaks and narrowly hit the tree. he reported the incident on the radio.
Fallout: Tales from Vilous - Origins
One hundred and fourteen years after the final war, the peace was broken. oasis is running out of resources. the union remnants are all that is left of government on vilous.
Weapon – Petals unfurled
At fourteen forty, i want you to start getting me calls to the leaders of every nation with a nuclear weapon, baring those targeted of course, one at a time, might as well make them on a 'first come first served' basis." i told him. "sir!
Chapter 1: Last Day
I was always called the "runt" because i was the youngest of our little group--kevin and tyrone were both fourteen, and i would only turn fourteen in about six months.
Treatise on Starwalkers
A starwalker will grow rapidly, from their five-year old body, to a body appearing like a twenty-year-old, all in the space of about two years, from twelve to fourteen.
I am drew, a fourteen year old grey furred wolf and orphan. as i was running it started raining.not a drizzle, i mean full on downpour. i needed shelter, so when i got to the city i looked for any warehouses or abandoned buildings.
Sexual Conquest: Prologue
The fourteen clans were split on many things, but they all agreed that they would not take part in any war. with massive numbers dwarfing either of the combatants, neither side were able to wring a concession from them.
The Ronin Saint: Chapter One:
A red fox, about thirteen or fourteen years old, ran up to him screaming, "nathaniel-san! nathaniel-san! come quick!" leaping up from the porch, the coyote met the young red fox in the middle of the walkway. "what is it? what's wrong?
Ch 8 Eyes of a Child
Their mornings lasted fourteen hours before repeating for another fourteen hours. instead of am/pm they use su/sd, indicating the sun is up or the sun is going down.
Rebecca's Summer Fling: A Talespin Fanfic
Her adopted fourteen year old son kit cloudkicker cunningham was sweeping the floor. he was wearing his favorite blue baseball cap backward and his blue swimsuit. rebecca allowed her son to come to work with her shirtless because it was hot.
The Run
fourteen. thirteen...." i recognize the voice of mrs. ohna. my favorite teacher. i can hear the safeties on the door click open. "three. two. one."