[p] Getting Plugged

Your voice is silenced as your mouth is filled with metal arcing with electricity. your vision changes, becoming naught but the sparking of currents. and then the energy pours in-- and it begins.

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Ketchup Crisps

He gave us three each a form to fill out, and as we hastily scribbled down all our information, a fresh wave of serenity filled the air. we could laugh. we could joke.

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Where Love ends and War starts

But though, the noise of heavy armor rubbing over scales was filling those empty corridors of the aethria-bulwark, the last defensive point for dragons, or at least, some of them.

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The Four Maidens

The third maiden pulls from her carriage a gift for her sister in blue: rich harvests, orange leaves, hard labor, and festivals to fill her warm nights with song and dance.

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Obamon Prologue and Meal 1

Strands of five different cheeses were in each spoonful as he filled his mouth with the flavors before swallowing.

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Wires ad metal fell apart beneath his rage-filled strikes, ignoring the world around him as he felt the curse well up inside him. he growled and babbled incoherent, spite-filled words as he turned the clunker's head into mush.

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How the Daleks Stole Christmas

The people looked at him as if he were weird or insane, but as he continued to sing, they were filled with cheer, and joy. they all slowly stood up and smiled at him as he sang.

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Sneezing The Way Out

The glistening eyes approached him, filled with fury and immense power, while clouds of hot air were coming out of flared nostrils. a whole head of angry hippogryph filled his field of vision, growling deeply at him.

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Dipping into

Nostrils a flair as the sweet sent of flowers filled his nose. to many to count. demanding the same attention as his mind gave the wind. filling his lungs as un-fallen tears held tight to eyes. eyes began to water.

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Swirling Bonds

Russ's eyes went wide, and a loud yelp came from the canine as shock for the sudden assault filled him.

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Capacity Test

His stomach did little at first, filling up and out just like he was eating. it settled and sloshed noisily as it was filled up with food to the point that it was no longer empty.

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Lab Testing

The brown fur of his chest and cheeks filled his vision nearly completely, only a sliver of sky above them being the outside that iron could see.

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