Experiments--Chapter One

Look out for //sys--error: eof unexpected at this time //sys--error: datastream corrupted beyond repair //sys--message: cannot complete display of message //" i immediately became aware of every sound in the forest

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Mischievous Sands

Sometimes when i'm typing, i make little tpying errors." "'tpying' errors?" dr. faulk remembered wondering if this was some sort of crank call. "typing errors, that's what i said!

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Here, There Be Dragons - Ch. 3 - Sharks are from Venus

An error he did not understand had gotten him fired. on top of that, he had been tempted to act against his supervisor and be violent only to stop.

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Paying for The Past

The scar of his errors have left their stain, there's no more need for him to atone. chorus: he's sacrificing his future, his life is going fast. to settle his bill, he's paying for the past.

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Why Did I Volunteer for This?

I did not fix any errors or try to make it better, this is exactly what i wrote back then. i really want to fix everyday and make it every day for example, but i wont xd why did i volunteer for this? it seemed like a good idea at the time, but...

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What Love Is

And no reaon to mourn sunny days and stormy weather these are the principals of trial and error. for every one makes mistakes and if the love is true, then this lighting is no match for you two.


Carry a Ride (Otherwise Untitled)

The view screen in front of the gryphon was a flicking projection of the grassy plains outside overlaid with collections of error messages and warning symbols.

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Lost Pieces

And there's a possibility i've made errors with respect to the characters and the story, so my sincere apologies.

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Quiet Awakening (Welded Sunset)

The navigational matrix felt to rattle into form disgruntledly, most of its reckonings in the form of errors.

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The True And Potent SECRETS of SoFurry Story Formatting

</p><div>\ \ doing that by hand would be exceedingly tedious, and error prone, but i did want to show what the raw text looks like, because we will be working with that raw text.

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Dragons Tale Chapter 1 Unexpected Gifts Part 1 of 6

Feel free to correct any errors you find. feedback is how i advance my writing and idea's. i am just human. so i tend to make many mistakes. feed back is loved. trolling... not so much.

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The Origin of Nevyn and Arzosah

The origin of nevyn and arzosah well this is the first story i have ever created so bear with me and point out the spelling and grammar error to me so i can improve as a author and person.

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