Filling the Void - Chapter Nineteen

"your collar's discipline function works by using different high frequency radio waves to excite the pain nerve endings. when the waves resonate," he said, continuing his gentle massage, "they activate your pain receptors.

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Ferina III - Chapter 1

It was difficult for him to be disciplined and to discipline. he was perhaps the fattest of all his family. his clothes had required frequent tailoring in his days.

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First Mission to the Realm of the Living

Was a very disciplined and powerful shinigami. he had gotten out of the soul academy and ascended directly into the third seat of squad two.

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The Asassin's Dark Tales-Chapter VI: Snake in a Crate

A moderately-sized crew, the first mate disciplines them severely. nothing new with the heartless dunmeri, but noticeably the captain keeps himself in his cabin. he must smell death through the thicket of his crew's stench.

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Ten More Days

The most highly trained and disciplined soldiers ever turned out by elysian training knew better than to debase themselves in such a way. it was dishonorable, and honor was the only thing sing had left.

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Chapter 4: how to react

Their phones too) and adamant always carried around a heavy black and red book, although it seemed weightless to adamant, dave had once tried to pick up the books, he didn't manage an inch off the ground, and adamant caught him, then after a hour lecture on discipline

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Tina's Story Chapter 61- Acceptance-Open Hearts

If you got through catholic school, you're smart enough hard working enough and disciplined enough to succede here. and the girls will come around; if you pull your weight, and are a friend to people, they'll be fine with you. is this about that baby?"

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 16-The Resistance

But on the other hand,i enjoyed being in the military,it was always good to me,and something about the discipline involved made it that much more attractive.

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Matheau and Beijore:: Sneak Peek

Though matheau did not play favorites, for he disciplined and rewarded the children equally, sasha was most definitely a daddy's girl. "your father is right."

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Memoirs of Shadow Dire Husky Chapter 1: Birth of a Sadist

I was often belligerent whenever i was forced into my daily three hours of reading, many times i would throw a fit, for which i was disciplined severely. at severely in my own world view, after all what child enjoys being spanked?

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Homework Cuddles

Sydney, naturally, had usually low grades on most disciplines, but he rather enjoyed math and was currently the student with the best grades at that subjet. he always loved to solve puzzles as a kind, so equations were simply complicted puzzles to him.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 36

Renna is with her mother, being disciplined. taberah and sorrin are keeping their heads down, just like you predicted." "and nilia?" "she's in the training grounds, probably getting frostbite.

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