Between Winters, Part VII
And if you do not change your diet, humans will come from fort jaansworth and fort sweetwater, and the humans will destroy you, your warren and your children".
Chapter IV: First Time Explorers
It was a major staple of the creatures' diet, and used in most of their food.
OR: Fenyks
Fenyks are not highly aggressive beings, mainly because of the contrast of their diets with their mates; these beauts of the sky are actually vegetarians that possess heavy preference for fruit as where ralkya consume meats from game and animals.
Rising Anew-Chapter 3, part 1-
They had yet to be sure exactly what their diets should be now. they had spent the last few days eating from the raw meat in the refrigerator.
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 10
She had enforced a diet for a few days now, and the first training session just started. adira watched in pity as benjamin dragged his body behind her.
Dishes ranged from meats to vegetables, from pies and cakes to cookies and candies, and all diets were checked at the door and told sternly not to interfere with the festivities.
Rabbit Food
Phil sat down again at the table, trying not to think of the remaining beer and diet soda in the fridge. he knew those would fail to quench a real thirst, and might actually aggravate it.
Capital Value
Working in the farms keeps us fed, sheltered and paid, meagre as it may be. it's not like we'd ever be accepted for surface jobs._ _and in a way, i envy paluk's diet. her meals cannot think, cannot dream or feel pain._ _i sometimes wonder if, down there
With These Broken Wings: Chapter 3
It was the color that his body should have been all along, but had been hidden beneath neglect and bad diet.
Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 8
Most of it is already stuff that i did every day back in ponyville; several hours of exercise every day, a healthy diet, normal stuff for an athlete like me.
Trials of A Golden Heart Chapter #1 A not so nice beginning
"don't you mouth off to me you worthless shit", her breath smelled like jalapenos and diet dr. pepper which smelled horrible.
The Outlander 3 26
You see, they get their flavour due to their diet of dead meat." "sire, what exactly did yer mean by dead meat?" "the corpses of those who displease me. after i have them executed i feed them to my fish!"