Trials of A Golden Heart Chapter #1 A not so nice beginning

Story by Raynkusa Shadowfang on SoFurry

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Trials of A Golden Heart

Chapter #1

A not so nice beginning

All characters belong to me Raynzane0

This is A diclamer of the usual sorts, this is a gay story with abuse so you don't like then look the other way.

I awoke to the sound of my door being slammed open as my mother stomped in and glared down at with eyes glossy with hatred. "mom, NO PLEASE!" I managed to yelp out just as she grabbed me and threw me against the solid oak wood desk my skull striking the desk with full force that sat in my room next to the closet. I manage to not collapse and as I stand there looking back into her eyes a savage right hook then a back slap is delivered to my face knocking me to the floor. I look up starting to lose consciousness barely managing to pick myself up and as I stand there with the last of my strength I ball up my paw punching her in the stomach as hard as I can making her flinch and take a step back. "enough", I cough out as I collapse to my knees and lose consciousness.

I woke up screaming in the darkness as cold sweat ran down my body but mostly pronounced on my forehead. I looked around trying to gain my bearings and realizing it was only a nightmare which had awaken me. I laid back down only to hear my father knock on my door then enter his caramel colored eyes glowing from his night-vision. "Ryan are you okay", he asked with a worried tone. "Yea I'm okay dad it was just a nightmare, goodnight", I whimpered out as I rolled away so he couldn't see my tears and sweat. "okay son if your sure then goodnight" he replied as he closed the door. I closed my eyes and drifted back off to sleep my only solace now being the nothingness of my mind.

"beep, beep, beep", I turned my alarm clock off on the third beep only knowing this because my clock read 5:30 am. Crawling out of bed and trudging off to the shower I smelled the smell of lube and musk which trailed revealing its origin from my father's room. This smell only teased my morning wood and as my six and half inch length bobbed a little from each of my movements I turn and walked in the bathroom closing the door not bothering to lock it. After turning on the shower and while waiting for the hot water to come through I looked at myself in the mirror. My name is Rayn Kusa and I am only eleven years old but I act beyond my years. My white fur with black tiger stripes showed off nicely with the light. I am of average size for being a furry of my height, I am 6,5 and I weigh around 275 pounds. I liked how I looked but there were times I wanted my body to fit my personality. Steam filled the bathroom as I turned and stepped in the shower and cleaned myself taking special consideration as always to my cock, balls and tailhole areas. After that I got out and dried off with the fur dryer that my father had purchased for us then I went to my room and picked out a pair of purple undies, blue jeans, a dragon blue t-shirt with a black raven on it and my black baseball cap.

The streets were not as busy at six as many would think so getting to school was no problem as long as I didn't run into Rene. Last time he had managed to corner me and mug for my book bag. Middle school was always tough for everyone and I understood that but it was tougher for me when others had seen me do something. I turn the last corner and bumped into the last guy I wanted to see. "Rene, excuse me", I growled in anger but tried to sound as nice as I could muster without gagging. "Hey faggot where do you think your going", he said pushing me hard so I fell backwards. Rene was just as big as me but stronger and definitely meaner. "Leave me alone Rene and quit calling me that, or else" I growled louder showing my fangs in anger. Rene looked down at me and as I tried to get to my feet he kicked me in the stomach knocking the wind out of me and making me hug my stomach in pain. "listen you bitch-ass faggot you had better watch how you talk to me or I will give you a beat down you will never forget", he stated as he walked away. My stomach hurt so bad but laying on the sidewalk was not going to change that and I knew that so I climbed to my feet and picking my backpack that I had brought with me, I walked off to school.

The rest of my day was just as terrible except for at lunch where I snuck off with Todd and we sat behind the portable classrooms making out exploring our muzzles. Todd is a blue and red fox with a scar across his chest that he refused to tell me the history about. I couldn't describe what I was feeling for Todd but every time I kissed him it sent a calming and exciting electricity through my body. Todd was my best friend and we had met when he had punched Rene out on the bus we took to get home. Todd was shorter than me and stronger but he was sweet even though he was sometimes a shit starter. This was not the first time we had kissed but for both of us it was our first kiss.

Todd kissed me again deeper than before as I sat there and kissed him back breaking the kiss after what seemed like 5 minutes but was only two or three. "Hey Todd, may I come over this weekend, please?", I asked as I blushed a little. " Yea sure Rayn, just make sure you bring your games so we can play more than Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance", he said in a cheery tone. After lunch my day was pretty much the same as usual, boring and annoying with most of my class acting like zoo animals. The final bell rang and I had made it through another horrible day receiving a hard shove into the wall from Rene as I was walking out the door. I decided to walk home instead of having to deal with Rene's bullshit. Walking home was far more relaxing though it took me two hours to get back home. I entered the front door only to see that fat bitch that is my mother sitting on the couch sneering at me. "Where the hell have you been", she snarled as she started to get off the couch where a perfect indent of her massive ass had permanently deformed the cushion. "I walked home from school, sorry yeesh", she walked to me so her muzzle was only a few inches from mine. "Don't you mouth off to me you worthless shit", her breath smelled like jalapenos and diet Dr. pepper which smelled horrible. "Mind moving out of my way I have homework to do and your in need of some mouthwash FYI", I stated with a sneer only to get my glasses slapped off my face.

Now in my room, I lied there on my bed thinking of what me and Todd would do together my backpack already packed with things I needed including my PlayPaw 2 and my copy of Resident Evil outbreak. Todd had also asked me to bring lotion, but for what he wouldn't say. I wonder what he wanted the lotion for? My answers would soon come enough and much more.

To be continued...

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