Down with the Giant Knight
He charged in with his new favorite skill, hitting the leg but doing next to no damage, then he kept activating his multi-hit attacks.
1. My Memories (Prologue)
"simba, sandman, i got major armor depletion on all facings, engines medium damage, generators severely damaged, empty on all ordnance except the t. bomb and at 45%."
Payback hurts! (Chapter 9 of my YuGiOh series)
He then played dragon's gunfire, dealing 800 points of direct damage to drake, bringing him down to 7200 life points. jake then attacked the dragon's face down monster, sending it to the graveyard easily.
Zootopia: First Salvo part 6
Bulkhead is damaged and door will not seal!"
Infamy - Chapter 1
Barbarians take damage, clerics heal, blademasters deal physical damage, wizards deal magical damage, venomancers weaken enemies and lure them one at a time, and archers deal physical and magical damage from afar."
Dillon's torture
Cool left the tortured hyena in the ground with a damaged and red belly, he took his shirt so dillon had to walk home while everyone watched his damaged gut, so if anyone wanted, they could punch him. the end.
Chapter 16: outbreak part 1
"re route power from the damaged conduit to a secondary one!" naomi ordered. "unable to comply, all secondary conduits in that area have been damaged." the voice replied. "cut power to that deck then!" naomi ordered.
File #6
Shouted a voice on the internal communications system, all muffled and distorted because of the damage. "sickbay here... what the hell is going on!?"
VAC Online: Player Decro
As the beast swooped down towards the ground, decro climbed upon the beast's head and swung his heavy scythe down upon its skull, damaging it for eighty thousand damage.
Team Smartz Ch.2 - Cold as Eisbecher
Bonnie took 12 damage! antwon used thunder wave! bonnie became paralyzed! clyde used scratch! antwon took 9 damage! penny used tackle! bonnie took 15 damage! bonnie was defeated! penny gained 13 exp. points! antwon gained 13 exp. points!
mliatbhrpg ch45-48
With the counterattack he would deal the same damage he received but lure doubled that damage when he dodged without taking any damage at all. even armored the samurai went flying backwards knocked out.
The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 3: No "I" in "Star Fox"
But fox, slippy and krystal managed to avoid the blast radius before their ships took too much damage. dellyn immediately went for terry since his ship was already heavily damaged.