The Perfectly Average Boy
And i'm supposed to be faithful to you, who shows me no love or compassion or concern and maybe comes here once in 5 years just to sleep with me in between his affairs with thousands of females on planets across the cosmos?"
Starborne - Trial by Fire: Final Countdown
The warmth and light of distant stars, defying the eternal darkness of an ever-expanding cosmos.
Forged in Fire
"does the cosmos hate us or something!?" zade sighed with disgust. "someone is terrorizing our town," teri stated. "he thinks that since the town has been obliterated, that it is basically gone for good.
Degeneracy Pressure (Chapter 1)
It sounds like she's cut it to hell, but you've seen far too much cosmos not to recognize it immediately. the english greeting from the golden record. 148. \>your mental image of her jumps from a cautiously optimistic 7 to a full retard 11/10.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 89: Nothing We Do Makes Any Difference Whatsoever
They saved us from certain death when all hope was lost and now we are traveling the cosmos with them! can you believe that?!_ (nice narration milo.) "milo how can you be so cheerful?" panda lee ling asked interrupting her friend's monolog.
Warm Up | 23 - Lost Then Found
Cho was astonished by the roles of the divines, and how proactive they are throughout the cosmos yet somehow feel insignificant in scale.
The Lost Dragon Saga (Part V)
"i swear upon the cosmos, you will die!" cid exclaimed. "meaningless words!" neo rak exclaimed. "the hope of validating them is nothing but an illusion!" kardonyth, alakin, calic, and i all took to the skies and flew at neo rak as fast as we could.
Chapter 7
He summoned both of his swords and with a massive throw sent them flying out into the cosmos. he then turned to ignatius. "you are all my generals, created to carry out my will after i am gone.
The Man Whose Never Died
"you go get some sleep now young lady, the cosmos know i need it." she nodded in agreement and killed the connection.
Sparks of an Ancient Light - Chapter 3
Before the great explosion that scattered all matter out across the cosmos, there was nothing, save the shadow realm. now, the shadow realm exists not out there, but down in here!"
Odd Coutermeasures -- Chapter 4 -- Part One -- {Resolve}
"you placed that bastard there because you wanted me to 'feel the power of the cosmos' and 'be one with the universe.' i don't know where you get this hippie shit, senpai. you sure you're not on drugs?"
Dragons Fury Chapter 1-the Dragon Awakes pt. 1
Seth: all my friends were cheering at me as i lifted my head to the stream of sunlight falling through the massive hole i made in the roof, closed my eyes and gave out a raw that seemed to shake the very foundations of the cosmos, for a second i felt like