Chapter one: The beginning
To know how it works, you would have to ask the actual builder or the rest of the designers." all the elders looked at him with hate in their eyes, all except the master elder. "you designed this weapon?" talon asked.
Shadow's hunt, part three
Few of the fortresses were still active as their builders had intended, the rest had been abandoned or taken over by slavers and bandits. this particular fortress had seen better days.
Espresso--Fourth Installment
I will ask, though, that you would pose a suggestion in addition to the criticism, because unless you can tell the builder how to build better, it doesn't do him any good to tell him his building lacks definition. you know what i mean?
Epilouge - From Peace to Dreams
The eyes were translucent blue and his frame is muscular but not enough to be a body builder. leo would have harmed the wolf but rather sat by him and looked ahead. "how have you been doing?" asked the wolf. "confused i guess.
A Night out
I have spent the day talking with the builders about modifying some of the homes to accommodate my people, until then we'll be staying at hekkogar's inn. she's already gotten them to adjust enough rooms for my people there."
Alaska: Arrival
Just not body builder." warner replied, noting how the wolf himself wasn't in great shape, especially his mid region where his gut bulged over the seat belt.
Fox Family 4: The Rebellion Begins
Then take the builders and take them outside. the music, the acting should all be left in here for now." dizzy got ready to leave. felix asked, "where are you going?" dizzy said, "i'm going to get some art supplies."
On Colonizing Part 3
Noctis: i will discuss this with you and the other builders later. are there any more questions? no? then that will be all for now. if you have more questions i am not hard to find (here i chuckled to myself). nathan: what was that noise you just made?
MHO pt4 - Quality Time - Chapter 1
"well, yeah... us harvesters were born to be harvesters, builders are builders, warriors are warriors, and drones are drones.
Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 1) Part 1
How, thomas, if we may ask, did you acquire that builder's plate in your cab? thomas: um... well... builder's plates, in case you don't know, they're like... birth certificates. except you have them attached to your body.
Tyrannosaurs are peeping-Toms… and pranksters too
I live in a one-story house that my mother had a home-builder build for her and her sister. it sits on a rural five-hectare lot. the house has white-tile floors, whiter concrete-like walls, and a white ceiling.
Chapter 4 - Tordakir
Off in the distance airuk could see several much more massive towers placed at what the builders had decided were critical points.