beginning anew, past forgoten 2: turning the coals
"Colonel I came as quick a I could. What is the situation?" Green panted out as he barged through the office door. "Ah, Green, It seems as Halure is making a move. He has sent a company northbound from the Alpine Pass. It appears his next target is the...
Will, Persistence, Patience, and Love (a poem)
Burnout and stress will cut your art to shreds and your brain will resist pulling at those threads but through patience, i've learned and i hope you do too creativity is a flower, and it will bloom anew.
The Untold Story of a Hunter - extra large poem
Within a few days she lays her first clutch with her mate's protection and the life cycle begins anew. just like her mother, she will nurture the eggs and the hatchlings. just like herself they will one day leave to find and make new families.
The world embraces you, but you remain cold numb to kindness, indifferent to joy emotions such as despair, hate and apathy all pushing any joy away you mindlessly walk downstairs, finally forced out of bed by the clock the daily routine begins anew
I Am
In his arms, and anew, reborn. stolen. spirited away, clutched, concealed and stowed, somewhere dark, cramped, sealed, on the road. soon, a home, a place to roam, i'm his dragon; a pet, a friend, alive, i am... saved.
Rose of the Ganges: Chapter One: There is no legend
But in the end the beloved "rose" shall blossom anew. "what is death to one who has died already? where the petals fall, a new life is just beginning..."
Dispersal of the Prince
Live, die, breed and live anew--it's more important that you continue the generation of new concepts, new lives, and new variables--then try to cling to what you are, gouging into the earth some kind of imprint.
"what do you have to start anew?." "nothing.. just our clothes and a few silvers.. " i nod to the chest.. "take what you can carry...", and gratefully they kneel and fill their pouches. it is time.. i turn and crawl into the tunnel.
A Night's Work
Was unlike me she gasped at first, feeling pain but soon she realized that such little things as this wouldn't be her again i'd freed her from her life it was done, her soul was sold her mortal life was gone instead her life began anew
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 2
As humarans began to tread the well beaten paths of their fore fathers, the humans, others turned eyes for the stars in hopes to escape it all and start anew.
He might not remember his experiences once he is born anew back on earth, but a tale tells that if a realization occurs in a soul, he might just have all those memories flood back and the soul gains eternal knowledge, being almost completely on par with a
048 - The Fool pt.08
Are chloe and ell supposed to bare the brunt of their spite every time this cycle begins anew? oh ell, the way she was so sweet tonight... tonight it had dawned on them that they had developed a real fondness for ell.