chapter eleven
Variations 1x1 rp group rp human and alien anthro mix other genders can be played as well.
D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Eight
The small white alien nodded a single time almost unnoticeably.
Hope from the Embers
They had pinpointed the main ship of the alien's fleet, they were praying with it gone that the aliens would get frightened off.
Star Tiger, Moon Girl, Chapter 2
Both the other aliens reacted with started fear and negation, shaking their heads. she repeated her phrase, and he recognized one of his small store of alien words, "open" in it.
chapter ten
Variations 1x1 rp group rp human and alien anthro mix other genders can be played as well.
1. Academy Herald
He almost faltered in his speech to the alien, who stood and waited. timby continued. "it takes courage to come and talk to an alien--an important person such as yourself. sir." the herald looked down at timby.
The Pokemon War: Part 2
As gary and pikachu stood watching the oncoming army of alien warriors, gary told himself that pikachu and himself couldn't defeat this many aliens, especially not knowing what those weapons the aliens had could do to them.
chapter nine
alien adduction are tech illegal by earth law protocol to alien lifeforms this mean the stories of alien adduction are done by alien groups not registered to earth usually there the one doing illegal breeding and experimentations and give other aliens a bad
TOKYO ZONE Episode 2 M.A.D Mission
Tafu saw one of the aliens taking the human into a white van the aliens were using. tafu then threw rushed over as she decapitated the alien's head off. "are you okay?" tafu asked the human. "get back!!!" he yelled as he shivered in fear.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-One
"that is an understatement," said one of the guardian aliens, with the help of a translator. this alien was a darker shade of red, looking like the color of blood. "the alien race, you call creepers, has become increasingly more aggressive.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-Two
Kaitlin understood why the alien chose a weapon that would give someone smaller an advantage, because the alien still had those lethal claws. from the murmuring around her, she knew that she wasn't the only one who realized this.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-Six
Yukiomaru had more difficulties forgiving him but if jun could forgive the alien for what he did, then he could at least try to cooperate with that alien.