A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 30-Stock Destruction

"good job brother,now lets get punisher 1-1 in here to finish the job." "punisher 1-1 is wheeled up in the overhead and ready for tasking."

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #1

"that," #1 smiled, "is not your decision." "i will take your proposal back to elsweyr. that is all i can promise." "and tell them what you have seen," #1 added. "i will tell them what you have showed me.

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Walls: Exodus 26 - Rigged Dice

The brow and lip of #1 twitched, while #2 inched closer and whispered, "stop... stop this." #1 looked back at #2 with bared teeth and hissed something. it caused #2 to step back, while #1 looked back at me, "leave...

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Fantasy Story Outline

#1 of series 1: a heroes end, a legends rise, book 1: protectors of earth so...since i have not uploaded another part in my fantasy series, i will give you guys and outline i have created to keep track of all the events going on.

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Goes for the cover "1 2," goldberg kicks out.



** **"this is alpha 1. where the heck is heavy artillery back up at!''

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How to allways be right, and get your way 1.means is more dominant than the ends ends is more submissive than the means 2.if you treat others as a means to your ends then you are at others' mercy, them being dom, you being sub 3.if you treat others


Fenária RPG

_ **rabbit.** _ +1 in body, +1 in luck. can acquire "cute" ignoring the dependencies. -1 in fight. can never acquire see in the darkness. _ **raccoon.** _ +1 in body, +1 in ego. -2 fight. _ **mouse.** _ +2 in fight. -2 in body.


Mouse Poems

Ingredients if mouses were a recipe, they would be: 2 cups each of scurry and squeak 2 cups wide-eyed faith 1 1/2 cup sharp, shredded anxiety 1 cup extract of 'effeminate' 3/4 cup spice of submissiveness 3/4 cup pure,

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Cygnus X-1: Book One- The Voyage

Cygnus x-1 was a circular area where scientists postulated the existence of a black hole.

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Unexpected Bromance Character Sheet #1

#1 of unexpected bromance story series season 1 unexpected bromance character sheet #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ authors note: this story does not tie in with my previous story series "the time of my life".

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Tales of Auldrant Part 1: Metamorphosis (T.o.C.)

#2 of tales of auldrant (part 1) _tales of auldrant_ part 1: metamorphosis table of contents prologue: reminiscence (part 1) chapter 1: encounter chapter 2: karaoke chapter 3: ordeal chapter 4: greif that burdens chapter 5: anger that
