GOJ:A love story: Simon and Tegan's banishment, a love story between two villains

Tegan, wait for me...my love... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' tegan's pov how dare they....they killed my beloved simon. you will pay. simon my love,i will avenge you. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' tegan froze, "the battouga!? no!!" she yelled.

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Lykos-Redemption Act II Ch. 1

"sister, do you not see how distraught my love is? i was hoping that you could ease his worries by guiding his brothers tomorrow during their change. it would allow me to have a proper night with him."

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Warrior's Spirit

In the days before war, my love and my honor were all that sustained me, all that i needed.

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A Song Sung Twice

One day will come who brings me my love, gently landing beside me, soft as the dove. not to take me away from a life of pain, but to dismiss from this world the gloomy rain. come swiftly my sweet, let my heart fly above.

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"oh, monty, my love! it is a shame that our young lives must come to an end like this! let us share one last kiss as we hurtle to our doom!" muffy cried. she held onto monty tightly, tears welling in her eyes. "yes, my love!

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Many Years later

"this is home my love. there is much more to see though, but that would be for another day, today i want to spend the day talking and just you and me." he smiled wide.

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What I've Become, New Genesis

my love! you're alive!" she hardly had time to pick up her head before i was nuzzling with her.

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~...|Secrets of the Chroniclers|...~ - The Crona Chronicles - --~EPISODE 1: PRELUDE TO DESTINY~-- Part 1 of 4: A Glimpse Ahead...

"i know, my love. so do i... so many gave their lives so that we could stand here today free and alive. but you know that they aren't really gone." he said.

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The Life of a Hybrid: Fenrik's story

"no we won't find her until she finds us...just stay with me and help me raise our other egg" "ok hun if that is what you want" "thank you my love" she kisses sarios who returns the kiss.

A Spartan's Tale

My wife... my love... my damatria... i smile wistfully as my mind brings forth her beautiful face. what a cursed thing the mind is!

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Inudoshi's Life Story Part 3

Kiku walked out and nuzzled him gently" you did nothing wrong my love... you simply did your job as a father."

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The truth in the clouds

My heart urges for me to scream out my love for him, but my head tells me that if i truly love him, i shall let him go... i watch him walk away, tears in his eyes; we both know its for the best...

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