A Song Sung Twice
I watched a thing that just kinda stuck in my head. I don't write poetry often, but sometimes an idea comes that's just expressed best that way. And so, at one in the morning, I ended up with a poem that decided to keep poking me until I had it written down. Here's the result. If you look closely, you'll see that the song in question technically gets sung many times, but there are really only two people by the end that understand it enough to sing it properly, which is why it's only sung twice. Hope you don't hate it, I dunno how I feel about my poetry skills.
In other news, I'm still alive, and still working. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter of Of Mites and Macros uploaded within a couple days.
His voice full of hope, eyes sparkling bright
A song filled the air, of lovers held tight.
Those words found no ear, sung to the sky
Heard not even by birds who flew by.
Yet onward he sang, with all of his might.
One day will come who brings me my love,
Gently landing beside me, soft as the dove.
Not to take me away from a life of pain,
but to dismiss from this world the gloomy rain.
Come swiftly my sweet, let my heart fly above.
Music flowed all around, heard now at last
By the dreamers who cried for chances now past.
They carried his tune to places unknown
To the lad and the land in which he had grown,
Spreading the song, if not very fast.
Where do you hide, that will fill my heart,
How long can I bear to be apart?
Forever I'll search though long may it take,
A quest too important to ever forsake.
Won't you please give me someplace to start?
More snared by the tune, the hopeful, the young
Helped it along, lending a tongue.
Driven far by these voices, truly it flew
Through borders and crossings to other lands, too.
And ever 'twas this that they sung.
Under rock, through the fen, over stream will I search
To find where my dove does now perch.
If the sky be your home, then will I fly
With the wings hope grants me to soar through the sky.
Until vows we proclaim to all in the church.
One bright and fair, the melody found,
Her body and soul enriched by its sound.
The author she knew would be waiting for her
To fill up his heart, with passion to stir.
Her journey began, the song turned around.
I'll find you, my one perfect and only
No other can make me no longer lonely.
Sit still and wait as I scour the world for you,
And then will I prove that our love is true.
We'll make a place for us, lovely and homey.
The lad did she locate through months of crawling,
Yet what she found there had her bawling.
For the woman that kissed him right on the lips
And his hands that were wrapped about her hips.
The song she now heard was ever so galling.
O love, now together will everyone ponder
If ever were any whose pairing was fonder
Than our union so perfect and whole,
For now we become of one soul.
That no longer this earth need I wander.
The maiden disgraced fled from the scene,
Now finding herself where that lad had been.
So she opened her mouth and let the words free
To find whatever answer may be,
For now in truth did she know what those words mean.
One day will come who brings me my love,
Gently landing beside me, soft as the dove.
Not to take me away from a life of pain,
but to dismiss from this world the gloomy rain.
Come swiftly my sweet, let my heart fly above.