Luca's Story Ch. 7

up to do and i can't hug you on the phone, so hurry home_ -jason michael carroll, "hurry home" days passed, and the search kept going.

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The Hunter's Choice Chapter Two: The trial

I hope this is a better addition to keep those of you who are reading this reading it an i hope you follow i'm sorry about how i left the first chapter off like that so i hope this makes up for it and i do hope you enjoy i will post chapter three as soon as

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Breaking Point: Chapter Four

He didn't feel comfortable with being reminded that he had been unwanted by his own family and it would be worse having his friends basically making up for it. he just craved companionship having received nothing his entire life.


To The You-I-Don't-Know

My mind says it's utterly stupid, that this letter is the most pathetic thing i've ever written, and perhaps it is...maybe i will end up alone, but seeing as how this is addressed to you...the you who completes whatever makes up the mess that is me.......i

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Havana or Hell, part two

And now he and mom are talking and making up?_ i get out of bed and stumble through the hallway without turning the lights on. there is no one in the living room but i still hear voices. they whisper words i almost understand.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Forty Three

Maybe he blamed himself for kimberly just like i blamed myself, and helping her through her change was his way of making up for it. it would be irresponsible of me to take that opportunity away from her.

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Crimson Vindication - Chapter 1: Humble beginnings, tragic fate pt.2

Petigrow 'making up' in the cornfield after their seventh argument this month... thinking back to that particular night, auron smirked a tad and placed the telescope close to his eye, hoping for something worthwhile to take place.

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Burned Memories (Part 1)

#1 of burned memories so the past couple weeks have made me a little preoccupied so i haven't been able to finish any new parts of the other series yet, but i hope this makes up for it.

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Tammy the Telekinesis Cat (unfinished)

.'"** **"oh," sire said, "it always makes up riddles to fool you. i'd better take you out to the meadow to practice your telekinesis." sire moved the rock, without touching it, out of the way. "what? i don't have magical powers!" tammy meowed loudly.

One Happy Easter Part 2

My room was a white walled prison, nothing on the walls and only a small bed and dresser -holding what little clothes i owned- making up the cluttered contents. my mom came in a half hour before the bus would arrive.

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The Bombardiers

I'm always making up some excuse to initiate a pointless argument with someone, and it's usually just for fun, but last night just went too far. i never learn, do i? i never learn to keep my damn mouth shut when nothing's needed to be said.

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Ketos and the Leviathan

With grave focus i projected the melody as low as my throat would thrum, making up the parts i had not heard.

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