One Happy Easter Part 2
Second portion of my Easter story.
One happy Easter 2
:Based on a true event:
"Look at that one Socks!" My lover chuckled, I turned my eyes to where his paw pointed and saw the cute little wolf boy crying and struggling to climb out of the pond.
"Baby, that's not funny." I stood and hurried to the cub his mom followed behind. I reached down and pulled him up onto the concrete slabs that sat on the two foot drop into the water at this edge of the park. "You okay little one?" I smiled and held the sopping wet fur to my chest.
"I fell in." His little voice shook with cold, the spring sun shone down on us but the water was still cold from the chilly nights.
I hugged him to me and placed my coat, a thin windbreaker over his shoulders. "I know honey, are you okay?"
His mom came up just then and took the little guy into her black furred arms. "Oh Kurt, are you alright?!"
"I'm okay mom just wet." He held up a green plastic egg and smirked at us both, his eyes still wet from tears.
I chuckled and headed back to the blanket set on the green grass. My mate still sat there smiling at me. "Always in the mood to mother someone aren't you?" He laughed as I put on a fake pout and sat back against his chest. "I love that about you." I leaned into him feeling the warmth of his chest against my back.
"I love you Zeo." He slid his arms around me and I hugged them. The sun was bright above us as I watched the happy little cub open his egg and pull out a miniature yoyo. "I wish I were a kid again." I said as I kissed his arms.
"Why would you want something like that?!" Zeo laughed and pulled back enough for me to recline into his lap and look up directly into his brown eyes. "You make me so happy." I lay there his head blocking the sun, a halo of light built around him, shinning in the glow of day the cloudless sky brilliantly blue behind him.
High school was hell. A gay fur in a town full of homophobes and ashamed of the horrors of his own past. I hated life more than I could have ever hope to express. My home was a crap hole that looked like a gust of wind would knock it over. My only salvation was the library.
My schools library was big, a floor filled with shelves and huge windows against the north wall letting bright sunlight fall over the reading tables and the high ceiling made me feel free even in the darkest most depressing days of my lonely life.
I hid in books, buried in caverns where feral dragons roared, and white knights cast down evil demons. But still a nagging pain filled me. Every day it grew and every night tears leaked from my eyes as nightmares of dark horrible pain filled me. In my heart there was no light. The good in me had died.
One day he was there. A thin grey furred wolf who looked so familiar, but nothing connected. He was so handsome, long pointed ears, brown eyes that filled me with bubbling when they fell on me. Every day he sat in a different seat in the library. I never ate lunch, I was fat, and highly antisocial, but deep I me I yearned to be liked.
A week later I noticed it. He was moving closer to my corner. Every day he was one seat closer to mine. There were still ten seats between us but I felt panic fill me. I was almost 6'1 and the term the government used was 'morbidly obese'. He had to know I was there. He had to see me, even though I tried to hide behind my piles of books he was always closer. Never looking at me but always moving toward me.
The days passed quickly and every minute we sat in the library so close and yet far from each other my ears twitched with nervous energy, a hugely fat rabbit with a death wish. A little more than a week later it was time.
The morning it was to happen I woke in a panic. I lay there panting as the remnants of that night's dream died away. My room was a white walled prison, nothing on the walls and only a small bed and dresser -holding what little clothes I owned- making up the cluttered contents. My mom came in a half hour before the bus would arrive. "I didn't hear you moving around, Socks, are you okay?" Her voice was worried and I nodded in answer. I didn't look up or even turn her way. I just lay there feeling a building panic that made me shake. "I want you to stay home from school alright? I'll call your nurse from work and let her know." Mom kissed my forehead and left. She'd been very over-protective since my dad left. All my older siblings were gone and only my two youngest still lived with mom and me.
I lay in bed and listened to them getting ready for work and school as I lay there. When the house was quiet I got up and walked around on shaky legs. I saw pictures of us in the living room. My whole family. Pictures of me as a little boy smiling and happy. Then pictures of me after my third grade year and alone, sad, and hurt.
I went back to bed and fell asleep. I didn't wake until the next day. It was five in the morning and my body felt heavy and bulky like usual. I sat up slowly and sighed. I would have to go to school.
I showered thoroughly. It took me almost an hour but when I left the shower I felt scrubbed clean. I dressed in my best clothes which were a black pair of too tight jeans and hand-me-down boots, with a black tee-shirt that only had one small hole. I shut off my alarm before it started to blare and waited for school.
When the bus came I got on and walked sideways down the row. The bus rows were narrow and my hips were too wide to walk normally so I hurried embarrassed to my seat and slunk down alone. I rode in silence as the bus got more loud the more furs got on.
We arrived at school and my day went like normal I didn't speak in class and when lunch came I went to the library. I looked around and saw no one. I went to my normal seat and sat. From my bag I pulled all the books I carried, stacking them before me in high rows blocking my sight of most of the library but for the other tables near the windows.
I waited but no one came. Eventually I picked up a book and read to relieve stress and pass time. But no one came.
When the bell for lunch to end rang I packed my stuff and stood. Paper crinkled under me as I moved. I turned and saw a note taped to the chair. On it was my name. The paper must have been there when I sat but I hadn't noticed.
My name was written in a spiky cursive. I looked exotic and new even though it said plainly 'Socks Blackfoot'. The paper was folded n half so I sat again and flipped It open. The same spiky writing covered the inside.
Dear Socks,
I don't know if you remember me. But we met when I was a pup. We were doing an Easter egg hunt and I fell. I don't know if you could possibly understand but that made a difference to me. I felt like people weren't so bad. I have carried that memory through my life.
I wanna meet you. I'll be waiting after school from today till Friday. Every day I'll go to the old track and field area. I'll be under the bleachers waiting. God I'm really nervous and I hope you are who I think. See you there.
I sat there looking at the note and frowned. Maybe it was a trick. I didn't think I knew any wolf, though I could remember an Easter egg hunt at a store. But it seemed like such a small thing. It took him a moment to even remember the event, the little pup had been hurt or something. But that was about all I remembered from it.
I looked at the note and read through it again. He knew my name but I had never really seen him before he appeared in the library. Though honestly I didn't even see furs when I walked through the halls. I didn't see faces, or race, I saw ghosts. Walking through my life and never touching, or leaving a sign that they had ever been.
Though looking back no one had. For years I had drifted through life never having touched or touched anyone or anything. I was alone even when people filled the walls to bursting around me. Trapped in the dark of my own mind and filled with heart ache, fear, and sadness.
The library was quiet around me as my mind fell back into darker corners. Things hidden that would rip m thin grasp on reality to shreds if I saw it for even a bare second. The school day wound on as my mind trailed along dark corridors to thought I feared to tread.
The last bell sounded and the thunderous roar of students heading to their busses broke through to my mind. I looked up and blinked, the clock on the wall read 2:45. Half of my school day had passed and I had sat in a slumped position staring at a dark spot on the fairly new library table.
Painful memories warred with my happiness as I lay with my mate the chill water making my body shiver with each breeze. "Socks? What's wrong love?" His strong arms tightened around my chest and I turned my head into his chest.
"I'm sorry. Just reliving old memories." I said and patted his arms till he realized he was crushing the life out of me. "I'm fine really, the past is the past." I turned and smiled into his face before planting a kiss on his cheek and nuzzling into his neck for comfort.
Hey Authors note, this one is a little sad. But the happy will come back soon. The next part will be done soon and I'll try and get this done before Easter! Please remember that this is based on a true event and things have been changed for effect but it's true. Please comment!