A Complicated Thing

I pull myself closer, hug my cougar to my bare chest, and bury my snout into the crook of his neck. i wrap my arms firmly around him as i snuggle closer. mart begins to stir underneath all the blankets. he gives a deep silent yawn.

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Ragnarok - XXIV

And at that moment, cold arose the wind from under shane's bare chest, so that he slowed as would a paper plane before it fell. it scooped up and it scattered off the clouds.

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Chapter 2 (Todd)

I think he's looking at my bare chest. "wendell! it's okay!" i can't help but smile at him. i put a paw under his muzzle and look at him in the eyes. "you don't have to be shy."

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Playing With Magic- Ch2- Dreams

The cold, heavy foot of the mother pushed down on his bare chest, crushing the air out of his lungs. the foot pushed harder, denying him any air he had left. red dots exploded across his vision, his lungs screaming for air.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter1

Sighing, the soldier's veridian eyes fluttered open to glance downwards at his own bare chest, tracing the dull outline of his dogtags where they rested against his muscled abdomen. savantes, kalevar j.

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Ch1 : A lesson of radiology by practice

Morning breeze ran over fur on my face and bared chest as we quited the building. i could hear chopper wings cutting air. i opened one of my eyes and saw uh-60 blackhawk chopper landing. they putted me in , and packed themselves as well.

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Day Sail

The breeze ruffled the honey-tan fur on the mouse's bare chest. and he breathed deeply in. thinking that, perhaps, he could honestly feel god in his lungs. in that air. akira didn't understand, but ... made a head motion anyway. bobbing a bit.

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Rose- Meeting the Team

Both are completely bare chested. hammer is wearing little more than a loin cloth and leggings. tower is wearing what looks like it used to be pants, but torn quite heavily. glass is just wearing simple body armor, like she just repainted a swat uniform.

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New to Town - Chapter 2

Nuzzling sam's bare chest, he sighed contently. this felt right, and safe. "goodnight, sam." he said, closing his eyes. sam petted the back of chase's head, as he stared ceiling, that angry figure moving through his mind.

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Drac Ch5

Her cheeks nuzzled into his bare chest, causing them both to tremble slightly. 'i think i might go to bed...' nereen interrupted. 'don't forget you both have work tomorrow. have a good night.'

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Zach - Chapter II

The fear that welled up from the shuffling sound deteriorated as his eyes focused to see his bare chest now covered in the wolf's trench coat. "what's this for...?" the kitten asked in confusion.

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The Scout's Run: Chapter 1

He was bare chested, on his right side and arm i could see swirling tribal markings in white or maybe light blue. he wore only a dyed piece of wool cloth that would have looked good on a female, but on him looked masculine and rather intimidating.

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