Struggles of a Wolf Warrior
This is about my struggles...the struggles of a "wolf warrior." more on my personal meaning of "wolf warrior" soon. what comes to mind when one sees a wolf? is it fear? is it hatred? is it love? is it endearment?
Leonard Wolfe Biography
**name** : leonard wolfe **race** : felineko, snow leopard **age** : 18 **height** : 4'11 (152 cm) **weight** : 165lbs (75 kg) **build** : medium build, somewhat physically strong with large paws.
Opening - The Wolf of Lavanta
The wolf of lavanta part i : welcome to lavanta today was a day that started out like any other in the peaceful little village of lavanta. the surrounding nature's symphony created a mood like no other.
Sierra and Wolfs Wedding
wolf was getting nervous. "hey, relax wolf." lane placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. wolf took a deep breath to calm his nerves.
Hungry Like The Wolf.
Mitch was giving conn the thumbs up on a scene well done as the wolf continued to suckle and tongue-bathe the vixen's feet.
John Wolfe: The Merchant
A wolf without any true sense of word, but had a mind set on trickery and deceit. this however was not true, for john wolfe the merchant told the truth wherever he went. he said it unclearly, but by no doubt was it the truth. he was a strong wolf.
To my loving wolf
To my loving wolf, whom i hold close to my heart. trusting with my soul. i just want you to know, that i will always love you. no matter how bad, no matter the wrong. i will hold you close and true.
The Wolf & The Lunar Path
_ -:the wolf & the lunar path:- the moon shines high within the star filled sky shinning down a silver path of light for the lone wanderer of the night it is a lone male wolf that travels this road of light fragile hopes and joys are his only
Don't kill the wolf
Let's save the wolf and respect his needs, he's not a real threat give back, on what he feeds. there's a senseless slaughter going on these days, of killing wolves and keeping them at bay.
A wolf and a woman (Poem)
Uh yeah i wrote this a couple years ago, i have no idea what inspired it or where it came from \>\< the wolf once shattered and broken, winds his way through the ancient trees of his forest home, an image of perfection and perfect beauty
The Doe and the Wolf Pack
The wolf approached the doe and asked, "knowing this, what will you do?" the deer turned and fled deeper into the forest and the wolves chased after her.
Wolf's Heart Prologue
A young male wolf sits there alone in the corner of the doorway reading during recess. a much larger male fox walks up to him and kicks his book away. "hey rio where is my lunch money!" the fox yelled.