The Dark Choir

Steel took the vial and quickly consumed the contents, "when you have been stripped of what is essentially a component of your soul for as long as i have, you need a binding agent. otherwise, i may die faster."

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Lost Memories: Chapter 3: Through the Night

I checked some of the vials on the shelves; one said giant dung beetle repellent, another said puppy love potion, another said amnesia away. i immediately picked up the amnesia away and asked, "does this work?"

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Realms of Fantasy Chapter 2: Strategy And Strategic Retreats

My fingers glided through the small collection of glass vials sitting on my belt until i found the one i'd been looking for and yanked it free.

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Cats of a Different Color, Chapter 10: Camp

Tala regarded her a moment and then shrugged and slid the vial back into its place, realizing after a moment the respect eva had earned in his eyes.

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Five Liters

And the bat had one more vial to inject, and he glanced over at the mouse again (just to make sure he was okay). "you're ... telepathic," the mouse whispered drowsily. "mm-hmm." he loaded the final vial. and went back to the fox.

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dog's time

Your package must contain this notice, a vial containing a liquid marron, the htf5d "and an envelope containing details of discretion." i checked the contents of the flask which proved to be blue as indicated on the notice.

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Prologue- Let There be Light

He pulled out the green vial from his pocket and tapped it with a shadowy finger. "the changes will be gradual... you may not have even realized in the first week.

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The Price of Victory

Hundaro opened the vial and poured the substance directly into the river. it glowed brightly for a second, and the current took it away. hundaro put the empty vial back in the bag.

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Primrose Valley: Who Needs Babysitters

Or maybe he should just open the vial and splash it on him as soon he came back inside. "alright deven." gale appeared back in the living room.

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Lab Accident

Hal picked up the large vial of aqua-marine liquid and carefully began to head back to the lab's workstation to analyze another test.


War of empires

Diamond found two glowing orange swords, two vials of pink substance and some a pair of expensive looking clothes so he took them.

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Chapter Seven: Bar Fights and Secrets

**previously in chapter 6:** a crash reverberated through the entire building, followed by max running through the main hall and heading straight for the door carrying several vials in his paws. jasper placed a paw to his forehead. "ahh shit."

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