Ep30-The true ending-The Tamers of shadow

Once Nathan took down his father, things got a lot more calmer. However their roles as the tamers of shadow were nowhere close to being over. There were a lot more shadow related problems that kept happening within the city outside of the nightwing...

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Ep9-The True Plan-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

The next day at the unknown HQ of the Granite mafia the leader of the Mafia was seen with the other leaders of the bases across Mezzanine. "Now... before i send you all to your bases.. be aware of these thorns in our side" It was also noted that each...

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S2 Ep23 The True happy ending

A much older version of Artemis can be seen in his room reading through a red journal as there was a blue one also sitting next to him. "Hey Uncle Artemis?" Brandon Jr who looked to be 13 years old, had run into the room. "What are you reading?" "Oh...

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GoD-Ep34-The True happy ending-

This was the true ending and was 100% not a dream as it seemed to be to george and sometimes demetrius at times.

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TMF-Ep47-Confronting the true mastermind-

The Final boss of the adventure is the Nightmare Mastermind, a restless ghost that happened to be a great grandfather to Thomas. The Boss was very hard to beat and instead of using a 4 man squad approach it became a free for all fight with Wyatt only...

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True Self (An Original Song Lyrics)

_stand for what is true. don't hide what defines you. expose your true side and show your pride. show your true self._ show your true self.

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S5 Ep13-A True test of Friendship

The wolves kept having argument over argument because of Dudley wanting to join the team, one half of the team wanted him to join the other half did not want to join and it was split in a way so that Artemis was undecided even though he is the leader...

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Isolation-Excerpt 34-True Intentions

For the next couple of hours, nothing much happened. We had dinner, took showers played a bit on our PDA's and talked about what we needed to do to keep Martin as delayed as possible and keep Sarah in enough resources to find a vaccine for Red star at...

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The Rush

**The Rush** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ ** ** The sled team shivered. Fresh snow fell in Dawson, ignorant of the exhausted and pad-sore team, which limped to their sleeping spots. The mail run had been wearying, but it was...

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True love never rust: Part 1

I'm not sure about it... yet" henrik walked towards stan, stood in front of him and laid his paws on stan's shoulders and finally said "look at me, stan" the hope was about to get true for stan and he looked back at the eyes of henrik with expectant

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Hurt, Trails and True Love (part two)

**Part Two of my story, time for some references** **Skye - Main character - Skye is a female clouded leopard who's fur is silver. She has ice blue eyes that are very vivid. She is tall with ivory black hair. She is of medium build with long legs...

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My Visions-Ch.6(True premonition)

This can't be real...that dream....came true." he says to himself.michael shows up to snap clarus out of his trance. "clarus come on!! let's go!!"

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