The Violet Guardian
And then, as quickly as the transcendent shower of light had appeared, it vanished leaving only the new and improved violet in its wake. robin hardly noticed that he had not exhaled since her evolution had begun.
A Conversation in Altered Space
You will achieve transcendence, one way or another. maybe not in your lifetimes, but who knows? my point is, you better not rush. nothing's good ever happen when you rush.
INTP Road to Self-Knowledge
These transcend time. they can be about the past, present, or future. extraverted sensing is what happens when you pay attention to what your 5 senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, seeing) are telling you about the real world.
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 19 (END)
Helping primitive civilizations to the point of transcendence is something that the civilizations do, not their make-shift god! no, we control the existence of the civilizations in this galaxy, and i am, for one, not afraid of retaliation.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 28
Something more, something banno could sense, but was dancing just out of the reach of his understanding, some fundamental connection between himself and the real ones in this world, drawing them all together, towards each other, some invisible attraction that transcends
Bound Into Fact : The Last Dragon
I have transcended the need for vanity. how do you think i've eluded you for so long. when you humans see things you desire, truly desire, you cease to wonder whether it should even exist.
No Love For Cats And Dogs
The husky, who's confusion transcended beyond confusion, quickly hurried away in the politest manner that he could think of.
I used to think
It was rather funny to see how a pat-on-the-back from him earns me respect and even slight admiration from some of the other rehabilitees, as if a miniscule part of his glory has transcended upon me. the things we learn are mostly boring, but important.
World of Cyberon: Manual
transcended: this stage can only be accessed with the help of a wizard, allowing them to unlock any hidden potential and release it to the max.
Aurora: Chapter One: The Temple
I couldn't understand the true complexities of the universe, but lady liliana transcended mortality and could likely grasp more than i could ever dream of. i took a public carriage to grauteterria, the bordering country to the east.
Badd Hypno
"and i'm quite sure the dragon society from beyond the portal either transcended sexual orientation or never bothered to develop cultural norms around it. he's down for anything." "so i'm the odd one out, huh?" chester sighed dejectedly.
Starborne: New Beginnings - Sentio, Ergo Sum
A confluence of events - by fate or chance - that helped you to genuinely transcend your own limitations. only to have this unique revelation taken away by death's unyielding grasp.