Rage of the Sea

The great king laying slain among the broken timbers of his ship was no king at all. for his men have not been hunting not monsters but children.

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Falling In A Ball Of Fire Chapter 2

Even though he had just got to know the other furs, he felt an odd bond to the female timber wolf. he opened the door to the apartment and slowly stepped inside. silence. dante shivered at the silence.

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The Uncorrupted

A flaming timber fell a mere 3 feet away from him, showering him in sparks, searing his flesh and burning his clothes. it was collapsing around him. why did he care? everyone was dead. he would soon die.

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Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 4

A bone jarring shudder wrenched through the ship as timber and planks cracked with a chorus of splintering pops.

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EHC - Chapter 1

I then crawled in, dragging a large bark shedding over the entrance to conceal my resting place before crouching uncomfortably and shoving my arms into my vest and leaning my head to the side, onto the rotting timber.

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Black Magic - Prologue

The confusion mounted and mounted in my head until it was all i could do to remain standing and keep myself from toppling over like a timbering redwood. i staggered a few spaces and then fell to my knees as a furry face brushed up against my hand.

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The characters: the main characters in this story are: tylix: the white arctic fox bivir: the timber wolf. both of these are fursona's taken from friends, and therefore remain under their copyright, fully.

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The Golden One pt2

She was a tamer with a pack of 5 large timber wolves running through the woods beside her. 'such magnificent vargs...' he noticed that they were a range of color from black as coal to white as ice.

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Chapter 3: The rise of Exstacy (Part 2)

Entering in, smelling the timber of the redgum which filled the air. looking in his living room, which he took her to, she saw a fireplace that seems to be burning some redgum tree. vixen took a seat and folos took a seat next to her.

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Chapter 9: The World Eater

He was surprised on how strong the slender kitsune woman was able to lift his big timber wolf body. she then talked to svetlana a bit before she walked away, in her snow leopard form.

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The Long Ride, Part 1

Carved stone lied alongside timber in a presentation that managed to be simultaneously imposing and inviting. ames imagined it being very warm inside.

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The Gift of Prometheus

Standing on the platform of Slateston Cove station, Gideon Cross watched as the porter carefully arranged the number of suitcases on the rickety trolley. The train station was pretty deserted. There were only a handful amount of passengers that had...

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