Ragnarok - XII

As forward flowed the dark tide of pursuit again the voice commanded "fire at will!" down poured, with sound like rain onrushing, bolts onto the soot-horde's heads.

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The begining school.

Finally, he gets through the tide of people, and makes his way towards his next class, a class on the psycology of furs and humans and their interactions.


Love Lost

He was exhausted, having fought for every inch against the tide the night before.

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Second Chances 11.5 (Lukes perspective)

The relief of the lie being washed away, not from existence but from the moment like only the calm after a torrential tide of emotion can leave you.

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The Lead Crown, Ch 4.6 Malcom

The doctor flicked an ear, not bothering to turn around from her place at the stove, "son-of-the-tide? well, that's certainly quite a name to live up to."

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The Morica - Prologue: The dawn of time.

She brings oceans, that the people may sail with the tide, discover new lands, and live.

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Like the tide of a beach. confidence wavers. should i step forward, or stay shrouded in cover. taking a chance now, and risking it all. or leaving it for later, and playing it safe. my mind questioning, every way i try to move.


Imagine, imagine that things were different that the rain was the tears of angels and the thunder was their screams their wings are that of a dove's pride and their eyes a purest ocean's tide just imagine the angels flying above us their tears


Just rise up

Fall i will rise and stand even more tall i will rise over the wall i will rise above them all like the sun which never dies though sets every night every day it does rise like the ocean whose tides

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Colony Collapse Disorder

I watched them rise in molten righteousness against a murderous and greedy tide. i saw them crippled, crushed, and penniless. i was their only mourner when they died.

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I'm frightened by the thought of slipping from your edge to the tide below broken limbs and battered heartbeats left whispering my dismay.

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