The Creeps - Chapter Two: Polly

You're a frog, i'm a snake. it would never work out!" "polly!" claude finally yelled, silencing the flustered serpent. "come with me." "pardon?...did you find work?" questioned polly, wrapping up in a robe and fixing her hair. "yeah, you heard me.

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Ghost Treat

The snake looked at this one oddly, noticing the suit and hair. black and white. "what the? a snake ghost? well now i've seen everything?" the suit ghost said. the snake tilted his head at him.

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Friends Got Talent! Part 2

The skunk's eyelids opened slowly showing a slight glazed expression as his eyes instantly tracked the arc of the snake's pocket watch.

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Suncrest - Chapter 17

It climbed around the edges of her face, snaking around her frame like tattoos. scarlet tattoos which covered her from ear to foot. they wrapped around her neck. "he's mine," elly said, her voice low and harsh.

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The Master of the Monastery

The snake stopped and turned his head.

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FnaJ 3 (part 4)

On the foot of my bed with small nightmarish animatronic snakes behind me. i turned around and flicked on the light, two pink snakes hissed and jumped off the bed... i tuned back around. i heard footsteps coming from my left door.

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Metal Gear Solid Snake meets a talking folfeetah part 2

snake: good i'll be hear waiting for you \*5 hours latter\* amanda: snake wake up! snake! \*slaps snake across the face\* \*snake wakes up rubbing his slapped check\* snake: awww...what was that for?! amanda: well how else i'm going to wake you up?

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The Temple of Tikal

The snake smirked a little, perhaps at volcan's comment, or something else.

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Wayward Scale, Wasteland Chapter 2, A stop for gas

Suddenly, he saw the snake stand up and stick something in the alligator's chest with an arm. he then heard the snake hiss, in a feminine voice, " try me, bitch!" he grabbed his sword and slowly approached the snake.

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The Hardest Life PT.4

The Hardest Life PT.4 Waking his great slumber, Fennex discovers himself a small stomach filled with consumable food. He knew him being in a stomach means just rest, but the food kind of changed the situation, well he knew he was inside Drogon, but...

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Five nights at Jacks (part 3)

(night 2. 12:00 A.M.) \*ring\* \*ring\* lets hope he doesn't talk so long this time \*ring\* \*ring\* I pressed talk on the phone "Hello, Hello-hello... Don't worry, I shouldn't be talking for so long tonight... Uhh... Just wanted to tell you that...

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Through Hell [9]

She'd committed too much of her serpent body to the blow, and not used enough spear for reach. "not after getting whacked that hard," srida grimaced.

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