Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 75

smith complained. "oh come now, a slight speed reduction won't delay us. in fact we're a tad ahead schedule so if anything it'll do us some good. you just said you'd go with my decision did you not?" rostron asked, causing smith to sigh and nod.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Six

First off, you will address me as smith, si fu smith, or si fu, not by my first name." she frowned. "si fu? that means 'master,' doesn't it? like hell. why do you think i'd call you that, even _if_ i agreed to your 'deal'?" "it is a title in kung fu.

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MLP: FiM: Chapture 7: An Arm And A Leg

Everypony sat at the table, with washington sitting between the diamond dogs and granny smith, separating them. granny smith started ladling the red soup into the bowls giving everyone a full bowl, including washington.

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Walkabout - Chapter One

My name is smith." "smith-san?" "hm?" he looked at her. "um..." she flattened her ears. "have you ever heard of a dog named numer?" he stared a her a moment, before answering. "the one who leads the dogs, in the mountains? yes, i have. what of him?"

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Called to Duty (What Went on Before, Chapter 3 )

For nearly six years, she'd been an apprentice sword smith, and finally, she had produced a sword to her grandfather's satisfaction. she was a sword smith in her own right, and hence no longer considered a child.

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A New Beginning: Chapter Two: Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction.

smith here, he'll start briefing you on everything you'll need to know..." well, hope everyone enjoyed the story, even if i did get rather lazy with the music selection \>.=.\> more will follow.

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My New Life Ch10

smith" "yeah, i called around ten. derek w." i said. "adrian's brother. i see it, he has darker fur." miss. smith said. "yeah, so what is next?" i asked. she then had us sit down, she hands us a copy of his file.

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Round One; Crystal's VS Heros part 1

In the back, the duelist that had already dueled were watching, smith especially. 'what are you waiting for, spencer? summon that rainbow dragon already, i need to see it's power.'

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Round One: Crystal's VS Hero's

In the back, the duelist that had already dueled were watching, smith especially. 'what are you waiting for, spencer? summon that rainbow dragon already, i need to see it's power.'

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Tales of Shadowheart chapter 4

Shadow sat against the wall, the only sound being that of the smith's hammer pounding against burning metal. she couldn't help but watch him as he worked. the heat was beginning to get to her, and was making it less enjoyable.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 105

It's a tribute to smith and his entei!" chris explained as rostron took notes. "smith isn't allowed to know about that though, keep it hush hush."

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