Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 5

Joyce still heard their insults, her mother's wailing at how she raised a slut. "all i had was my backpack filled with...well i don't even remember. nothing important, your aunt had to get that wired to me.

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"he wasn't talking to you" ryan's mother snapped "you stupid slut! i bet you forced him into this didn't you!? didn't you!?" "sarah.." ryan's father started before he was interrupted. "he didn't force me to do anything!"


Seth's bullet pt. 1

John gave seth a nod, "can't you just go to a club and hook up with some sluts and keep em close to you?" seth snapped his fingers in excitement, "brilliant!


Nothing But Love (Chapter 6)

The bull must think he was such a wanting little slut, too nervous around him to even act normally. ugh. this wasn't going to go well.

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Rowan and Aroura, Chatper 2: A Cute Reunion

Little foxy's a big slut, ain't that right?" the wolf grinned hungrily. "we were just after any possessions that you had before...but now..." he looked at his two companions. "what do you two boys think of the idea of training this fox?"


Unlikely Companion chap. 9: The Plan for 2.

Go have fun with that slut over there, hope you get aids from her." kayla said as she slapped trey across the face hard, then stormed out the building. kayla then came home to her empty house and ran to her room.

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Chapter 42 Strawberry Tarts

"i said get out, you little slut!" he growled, white mane falling loose of its tail. he looked menacing enough to slap her. the pup began to wail in his arms, but he ignored it as he lifted his paw to her with a flash of his eyes.

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Astral High - Chapter 47

Wow, he can come off as a bit of a slut." "eh, i'm a soul, i can't reproduce." he gestured to the space between his legs, a shapeless bulge for a crotch. "oh. so, you're a soul. you said remember, were... were you once alive?"

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A Life In College: Renewing a Bond, Part 2

"i hope the next slut you date doesn't have to go through what i did," she said. then kiylee left the library. but she didn't leave in a wailing, crying storm like i though she would.

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Story Guide: BOVERSE

Obviously they're not all going to be uber-attractive super-sluts 'n' super-studs, most people in the real world aren't, and i'm assuming a similar distribition (but not strictly) as a general rule of grounded storytelling and characterisation

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The Glory of an Empire, A Prelude

Clean up this slut's corpse and have it cast into the ocean. cancel all peace talks with the iquit tribes, and then rally the troops for war, oh and one more thing herr wolf."

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My Patience is Gone

Keep calling women sluts keep calling homosexuals dogs keep calling muslims terrorists just remember, i signed a contract i raised my right hand and pledged my allegiance to america no, i didn't pledge allegiance to your america i pledged it
