Draco - chapter 6
Et derrière le bureau un grand dragon aux écailles rouges, très impressionnant, de grands yeux rouges qui reflétait un grand calme. mais tous les élèves savaient qu'il ne fallait pas l'énerver et que, se retrouver dans son bureau était rarement bon signe
Ryan, kangourou artiste
Artiste de son état, ce kangourou rouge de 5'10" (1m78) va seulement commencer sa journée. n'ayant pas d'horaires fixes, il travaille quand l'humeur lui prend.
Minato's Reality
On the way there, however, he was attacked by a rouge shinobi from the hidden mist. minato thought it was odd that the people guarding the gate did not catch the rogue shinobi.
Even Saints Sin (intro)
Storming in to the scene, natalya and her partner des clashed with the rouge militant group, for the control of the dam, backed up by more swat teams that had recently arrived in the scene.
Greenwood - Leo Investigation FR
Sa tenue adolescente rouge et noire, un brin rebelle, et son sac en bandoulière duquel dépassaient des polycopiés de cours ne laissaient que peu de doute sur son activité étudiante. j'étais subjugué et intrigué.
Golden Age: chapter 7: the Self-aware Hound
Skia is the rouge, the wildcard. with her ability to never be hit with a ranged weapon or spell, she's perfect. she even has a tendency to dodge sword blades supernaturally.
Mesozoic Park (Part 20, the end)
Quickly singling out a large male that insisted on standing it's ground and fighting, taking it's defensive position with it's head far from it's attacker and it's swinging tail close, one good hit with those nearly three foot spikes would easily take the rouge
[Story - French] Les enfants ne sont pas des jouets - chap 3
» le loup devint subitement rouge ocre. il jouait avec les doigts de ses pattes, à la manière d'un petit enfant qu'on aurait surprit la main dans la boite à biscuits.
Tails Wish Chapter 2: The Legend
After all, rouge should leave it alone being it's in pieces. besides, this wish thing has peaked my interest. sonic- sounds good, let's go!
Dead fur: Episode 1
. \>\_\_\> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in the year 2026 the now rouge u.s.a developed a hi-tech bomb designed
The Capture of Bares Chapter 1
Bares-it-all highly skilled rouge who has a history of fighting but usually loses her clothes in the process. she was an argonian who was armed with a long sword and wore fur armor all over minus the helmet.
Forest Shade: A loner's tale
Moving fluidly as only a snake can, he stepped in and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek, making her blush, visible even on her dark rouge skin. evarra remained speechless.