High Water
It was truly a massive undertaking and as the water filled the meandering half-pipe which would become the river, jonas and his friends couldn't help but feel a bit of accomplishment at this completely artificial river.
01 - One Job
"mmmm ... lunch," green river moaned. "move out."
Apparently Fire CAN Hurt Dragons
When i finished eating, i'd get back up and continued to follow the river. i followed it for days and days, until my food ran out. i didn't see another soul nor creature, which was odd because of the river's clean water.
Philippine Treasure
"route info: head to the puerto princesa subterranean river." zoe reads. this is river is also known as the underground river, and is known as a tourist attraction. players will find the next clue box just outside of the water.
Rexville 41: Family Intervention
He expected that hunter and river would tease him." river chuckled. "i would have teased him."
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 1
He knew he must have fallen into the river, but he couldn't remember how. did he black out?
Magical Pet Shop: Joseph
Or was this just a different river? or maybe a different part of the same one... it wasn't as if rivers had to go in a straight line. joseph really wasn't sure which it was yet...
Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 29
And speaking of whisking damsels in distress across rivers, hezzi thought he might be hearing said river right now, rumbling somewhere ahead. "wow, that's loud!" he said, running full tilt.
Chapter 3
I heard sergeant windwalker's voice over the sounds of gunfire, "river, stay with alpha! bravo team, on me!" alpha team and river took cover behind the destroyed building while sergeant windwalker took his support team around to flank.
Korongo: The Beginnings - Chapter One: A Plump Stranger
Walked the length of the river kundi before.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 9 - A Day In Town
"and from what river told me, you'll need something that has lots of empty space in it... whatever that means..." river... he must've meant the shadow? if elements need a source, like ice needs water...
Jeremy 030; Hold On And Stay In Control
Scaling the lowest pile of rubble they observed the activity on the river from there. jeremy and the others watched in amazement. the river had changed direction, it was flowing inland.