HIVE Mother - Chapter 3

"i think i was a dispatcher early on, and then patrolled for awhile, but i do remember that they had riot cops called out, occasionally.

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david's college days part eighteen

Ambulance and was off to the hospital (not in a hour more like half un-hour) and sarah was following in the car with all the stuff from the festival the car would have never lasted a minute seeing as they had rugby and football fans there first lost and they riot

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Thy Fathers Rule

Only one wolf held back, a black wolf, who was significantly larger than most of the wolves, the riot of fur color making each wolf hard to see.

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mustache w/ zebra

His body is covered in smooth white skin, with a riot of black stripes. his head is long and equine in nature, capped atop a neck that is slightly longer than average.

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When Standing

Surprised faces where on all members of the security team, no gas masks or riot officers in sight, a maelstrom began from where the can of gas was launched from, slowly spreading as fursons where so tightly packed up front that they had trouble moving

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1:12 Two Betrayals

The riot cuff around her ankles had been cut. confused she looked up at alias, who worked his way around her, and cut her wrist cuffs. once her paws were free, they sprang to her gag, ripping it off.

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A Saturday Night In 1924

Everyone had heard by now of the near-riot that had broken out when one patricia delicia took of every last stitch during a performance. the shameless ocelot was hauled to lockup, but out on bail within an hour.

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Rising Power - Chapter 6 + 7, The Alloy Furnace and Battle Vu'Eltrys

Bound to the iron and steel bars, and trying to scream for help, people were starting to riot against us. someone picked up a stone and threw it at me, smacking hard into my shoulder, bruising it.


Inevitability pt 4

Covered in symbols, it is a human anti-personnel explosive, used in violent riot situations. one of john's paws brushed against it as he was pulling items out from the pile.


DE: A Tale of Dark Eden

In the streets there are hundreds, rioting - i tried pounding on the glass wall but it refuses to fall. the voiceless girl is sobbing, i feel a yearning to hear and hold her.

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Astral High - Chapter 16

And then they made my class have nothing but a riot shield and a rocket launcher with one shot in it. i felt powerless, but i also didn't give a fuck.

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United We Evolve

Religious or rude unnecessary comments will be removed)) four thousand years and humanity still ends up at square one even after the finical recovery they still did not make anything better for themselves rubbish started building up and the humans rioted

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