Your eclypse... right... you're in the resistance?"
eclypse nodded his head. "we came here to rescue some prisoners... however i believe we may have walked into a trap... we could use all the help we can get.
Fantasy, Horse, Pegasus, Sci-Fi, Various Species, Violence
We need to hurry if we want to be safe too... though that would mean you leaving the resistance."
raoul sighed and replied "i know, but i am so tired of all this war effort. i have talked to leonidas of leaving the resistance...
Couple, Family, Love, Passion, Romance, Sheep, WWII, War, Wolf
According to other resistance cells, there are routes we can take out of the city and into the forest, beyond which a well-equipped resistance bunker lies. if we are able to make it there, we should be able to plan more effective operations.
invasion, ruin
Who can resist charms
of a dragon who shines
like gold?
who can ignore their
whispers as they press
you into their mold?
alone and isolated
away from all the others.
Dragon, Fantasy, Gold Dragon, Poem, Poetry
The resistances' sanctum reminded elmtail and mattimeo of cavern hole back at redwall abbey. the great cave was illuminated by lanterns and candles with moths flying lazily into the light.
Fanfiction, Fox, Mouse, Rat, Redwall, Samurai, Wolf
These lies and empty promises did nothing but fuel the resistance, power their hate for the nazi occupation.
Violence, War
Of course, the blue tiger will resist. and of course, the fox has only one tail, not a single tail more...
featuring airis ( hope you guys enjoy it!
"okay, then. what are we betting?"
Clean, Fox, Hypnosis, Kitsune, M/M, Tiger