The Last Game of the Master Domino Player

Domino master was destined to be outclassed and his life deleted the stakes were known and the opponent sadly at the end of game won all, that sickly harbinger of death made the inevitable call the master domino player, till the end he lived up to his reputation

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Where does everyone fit in Kyruku society?

Mediators and arbiters, much of their societies inner workings are kept as closely guarded secrets, yet on more than one occasion, it has been through their efforts that entire planetary systems have been pulled back from the brink of collapse, and their reputation

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Metatton had warned the feline not to tell them that the elevator was out of order in fear of damaging the whole franchises seemingly flawless reputation, and so he didn't, shrugging idly before leaving the building.

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Boring Basic Intro Stuff.

This story started as an idea after i contemplated registering with ucsb - university of santa barbara - a campus that has a similar albeit slightly tamer reputation. there's comedy, romance, drama, all that. **the setting?** _fc!

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Gnoll Brigand: The Adventure (Prologue I)

** **gifts of silver, furs, and goods** **patience and wit** **deceit** **charm** **other (specify)** reputation **7. when people speak of your exploits in battle, what do they emphasize?

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Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 7 - Jewel's Bloodline

There were few times where he would hold me but i knew it was not personal; his reputation of ‘butcher' and ‘god of war' would have been slightly hypocritical when he hugged me.

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Jeremy 087; The Inner Circle

"only the madagascar government has the kind of reputation to make everyone involved with them as secretive as they are reputed to be. i assume they've put a stop order on your operations and are now being more than a bit reluctant to compromise."


Jeremy 077; Meal Planning

As other species rose appalachia gained a reputation of accepting the newcomers with an sense of equality that was rare for the time. over the corse of centuries the power appalachia held rose and fell like any other nation.


Tails of a Cloud Skunk Ch 2: Career Trajectories

It might have seemed a little boastful, if not for their reputation. and they had quite a reputation indeed.

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The Cat's Stroll 05

Luckily or unluckily, he had a bit of a reputation as an eccentric in the state, so coming here on a whim might not be too surprising. as expected, as soon as he set foot on the peak, he was noticed.

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Faust the Thunderer 2 - The fortune teller

Pursing his lips, faust said, "you must know that i don't take accusations to my reputation and character lightly." the goose snorted, "what character? you are nothing but a paid killer. a killer who _failed_ to do his job."

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Jeremy 006; Boundaries

Don't you know your own reputation?" "i have a reputation?" jeremy asked, surprised and concerned at the sudden direction the conversation was going. "shit yeah, j. you're passing everybody in every module you take.
