In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 19)

It is saddening to present my work incomplete; the reader needs must refer to the previous department of works report: _a-d174/1930.

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Bonus Material: Notes from Fugitive's Trust

**interested** : usually refers to someone being wanted by the law but can mean someone is pursuing the person in question. **copper** : this is what the thieves' guilds would refer to as a spontaneous cant.

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File #10 - "Pain"

The creature was referring to the an earth species that was a type of hymenoptera, a large order of common insects.

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Chapter 2:The Labors of Lily Marks--Part 1

It also refers to a theme which begins in chapter 28, and obliquely refers to other things in spirit bound. i try to keep spoiler material to a minimum when writing fanfiction, but it does exist in this story.

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The Absence Of Love

Whenever he said any of his random phrases, she giggled, despite not knowing some of the references. that was one of his top qualities; making her laugh and enjoy herself.

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Special Interests [Intro?]

She also knew the nickname wasnt referring to her eyes. although different, some had told her they where beautiful, one being silver and the other a dazzling, dark, sky blue.

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Blades and Brush-Prologue

Everyone refers to this land as the "field of sorrow", as it is said to be haunted by the spirits of the billion soldiers who died by the hands of their enemies only a millennia ago.

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How can one visit the facilities?

What there is to see in each facility varies by location, however, for reference, let me point out a few of the more prominent facilities, and take a moment to explain what purpose each serves.

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Bird's Eye

He hated being referred to as "freddy". "it's frederique," he said, through clenched beak.

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Anatomical Anachronisms: Chapter 1: Time Tinkering

Was it a dodge, a play on the more literal meaning of the phrase and a reference to his tiny relatives, or a reference to a spider's place in the social hierarchy? many times the doctor liked to be oblique or metaphorical about things.

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Consortium 1-2: Shipment of Nothing Chapter 4

Phrases that are dependent on popular culture references don't really translate when the people making the translations didn't really learn what all popular culture references he was aware of.

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Lovers Dancing [ Installment 2 ]

Goyle had eventually put an end to it, as the scouts were being referred to as "bedwetters" for this reason.

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