Rods and Cones

The forest has a purpose in mind for everyone." klein jumped as another mysterious animal sound resonated through the wilderness. "sometimes i worry what that purpose might be." he had been walking for a long time, far along into the night.

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He had brought a carry-out cup (styrofoam) of ice water ... for this purpose. for the purpose of dipping his injured paw into the water (the cup between his thighs). and he heaved, heaved for breath.


Bruce and Jacki

"i hope jackal does bring it," he said purposefully as his friend laughed harder...

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How To Invoke

Be of clear mind, clear heart, and clear purpose. you wonder if those legendary heroes were zombies, to have no thoughts or feelings clouding them. calm as a cloudless sky, says the text. stoic as the night before the dawn.

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Letting him fall to the ground, still shocked at this sudden change in his life's direction, the boy wiped the blood from his fingers on a spare piece of cloth, it original purpose unknown, perhaps drapes over a window.

The sun will rise once more WIP

I've no purpose... let me die, or just kill me... then brown saurian lost his consciousness completely. - this is bad. - miya gave a sign with her paw for assistants to get closer. - i'm taking him to the cure house.

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The Egg Genesis

It was unfair to chase it away, for it could have a purpose, a utility for the balance...

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City OF Sercutity

#1 of city of sercurity tristan edward collins the trees flew by the window creating a jagged green wall separating the bus from world as it sped down the highway with only one purpose getting people in and out of universal resources highly secure city.

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Church of the Creators

Into the seas, into the air, into the wild domains of their world he reached, gathering them and breathing new life and purpose into them.


Void Incursions Chapter 1: Contact

In the transmission also came a file to be read which contained the ships name, itinerary, and purpose for docking at the orbital.

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The Ship Rache Teaser

The extra hundred crewman, whose sole purpose was to assist in boarding, swung over and landed on the deck. they immediately started lining up the surviving crewmen, pointing their guns at them.


Chapter 2:The Labors of Lily Marks--Part 1

"if i've learned anything from my time here, it's that the purpose of life is to grow forward. therefore, i make this pledge from the core of my true being.

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