Staying Human: Chapter Four
#4 of staying human in a post apocalyptic world, where a virus is turning people into vicious animals, eve, a half-woman, half-panther hybrid, must fight to stay alive and stay human.
Staying Human: Chapter Three
#3 of staying human in a post apocalyptic world, where a virus is turning people into vicious animals, eve, a half-woman, half-panther hybrid, must fight to stay alive and stay human.
Staying Human: Chapter Two
#2 of staying human in a post apocalyptic world, where a virus is turning people into vicious animals, eve, a half-woman, half-panther hybrid, must fight to stay alive and stay human.
Staying Human: Chapter One
#1 of staying human in a post apocalyptic world, where a virus is turning people into vicious animals, eve, a half-woman, half-panther hybrid, must fight to stay alive and stay human.
Four Days Remain Until The End
~ ~ Four Days Remain Until The End ~ ~ Lionel grumbled loudly as he climbed out of bed, his eyes still closed as he stumbled to the shower, his fluffy husky tail hanging limply and disheveled from sleep as he switched on the bathroom light and...
Descent: Prologue
Darkness... Screams... cries for help... What does it all mean? Am I just imagining it all... or is it real? Where am I? When am I? How did I get here? My mind was swirling with thoughts, but one kept echoing louder than all the rest... ....What...
**a girl and her dog seek refuge in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. the ending is meant to ambiguous. i left it open for the reader to decide: was she just mad? did lizzie survive? did help ever arrive?
The Elusium
I know i shouldn't be posting a new story yet.... but i had to get this off my mind. now so here it is. in multiple chapters though. * * * when the elusium was first publicly announced, the world announced it as a hoax.
The Wastes- Chapter 3: They USED to call 'em foremen.
This chapter ended being shorter than i had hoped, but I do enjoy the cliff-hanger ending very, very much. Enjoy, and thank you for reading. The drifter- Nicholson- looked around the bar, taking in the new scene that greeted him. He...
The Wastes- Chapter 1: To the Victor...
#1 of the wastes i didn't get all that much feedback on the teaser i posted for this, but i don't care. i like where this story is going. enjoy!
Equine Adjustments
"...Can I help the next person in line please?" In front of Tamara, a heavyset man moved out of line as she handed him back his license over the desk; shuffling over to the photo zone for a new picture. In between the...
Teaser: As Below, So Above
Teaser for: As Below, So Above by Mut He'd found the note clipped to Thomas's bunk with a magnet. It had been written in an urgent, passionate scrawl as uncharacteristic of the rat as the words. It spoke of sacrifice and redemption, temptation and...