The Siren's Call: Prologue

A name that nearly every sailor in port knew. if the scallywags knew what was good for them they'd know to keep quiet if this gent came to call. after all, tonight was the only night they'd be staying in port.

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Don't Ask the Compass (Otherwise Untitled)

First port he stopped at, wet behind his ears and out to get drunk with his new crew-mates until his legs were shaky even aboard the station, yeah? a raccoon challenged him to a game of chess of all things."

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Travelling in Galar

After approximately 3 hours, the quaint port city that is silvercrest city came to view. besides sightseeing, nigel also had an another reason travel to the city, namely to see his grandma.

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Shaga - Étudier sur le terrain

Je frappai finalement à la porte et, presqu'aussitôt, michel, mon professeur, ouvrit la porte. en me voyant, il laissa échapper un soupir de soulagement. ah! tu vas bien...

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The Good Ship and Crew

Tidy little paycheck, and a good word at the hall on port neshoba. be good to see that shithole again when you have some money in your pocket, right?_ well. no, port neshoba wasn't_good_ by any stretch of the imagination.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 2

Would they side with thess, so set on reaching grey port? or irda, who wanted to carry forth through dangerous seas? "at least in grey port we won't have to worry about sinking," thess said.

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The hunter becomes the hunted (part 2)

We landed at a small air-port and we where instructed to follow a dirt road west, until we came to a river with a dock. and we did find the dock, me and cory put-down our luggage and sat on the bench.

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Jeremy 079; Future Concerns

Everything is landed in one of dozens of ports along either coast and shipped overland to another port. despite the loss mexico remained economically competitive with appalachia for decades.



The odd thing is that the empire is not even occupying this port correctly. i mean this is certainly different from other occupations they have done. most of the guys patrolling the streets seem like new recruits.

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Splintered Light, Ch 8.2: Der Beschützer

"we will still discuss lady emma's safety before we put to port though, yes? this does not change that, does it, kapitän?" the tiger laughed. "of course not, karl.

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Tooth And Sweet: The French

Helps us sail to port, land." the young frenchman thought for a second, but then nodded and repeated what sidney hopped was the right message back to his shipmates.

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The Great Adventure: Book 1, To what end? chapter 2

However, im sure maximus will find out if he was or not when he cuts it from leschvac's dead carcass" it was at time that a small dark square appeared in the view port. it was easy to miss at first so they didn't take any notice.

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