A Quick Snack
There was a small oasis nearby that he often called home. there was plenty of water there, green vegetation, and many flowers and blossoms to hide in, should he need an escape from larger, more dominant predators.
Which Rio Bird Is Which?
"what kind of evil oasis did i just create?" diesel asks. rachel just shrugs. "keep looking team, were nearly there." kit says. the rest of the first superteam keep searching. "found another red one!" joey says.
Love within war 9 and Love within war 10
Night soon came and all three of them found a oasis where fresh water was easily found. and since this was the only oasis they seen, they hid around so they can catch any animal that would come here.
Sientas redone
Motioning to fang, he nodded and they both turned themselves to the oasis. as it got closer kena noticed that the foliage around the oasis became clearer and more visible and defined.
Savoring the Time in Our Moonlit Oasis
Savoring the time in our moonlit oasis
The Family Vulpes Chp2
This means that whoever planted the device either had access to, or had an accomplice with access to the backstageareas of the oasis hotel."
Our Catty Lady of Enmity
Into view came an oasis, and so i decided to stop there and refresh my supplies of water from it. upon reaching the water's edge, i noticed several cats sitting next to the palms that lined this place.
Tales of Azoria - Chapter 12
Is queen oasis cured of mind control? do the guards know about them? azuri thought to himself in panic. he couldn't go back to them now, he was going to be punished and he knew it.
Black-Winged Angels Chapter 3: Journey to the South
It was like most of the oasis avila had ever seen: a lake with some palm trees as a defining feature, while other natural decorations like rocks and such varied.
Realms of Fantasy Chapter 10: Breaking The Limit
We took a seat on a stone bench outside the oasis as i began to tell the story.
Soul Racers (Finale Pt 1)
She looks around and sees the oasis still working on the task. "you guys go on." kit says. "what??" both frat boys say at the same time. "i said you two need to go on. we'll catch up. if not, i hope you two do well."
Argentinian Ties
Tammy cheated her way to the fast forward, and a 3-way alliance tied the evil oasis for first place. and in last was the vegetarians, miles & joey. so long! only 5 teams remain in the race. one team will be in last today. who will it be?