Love within war 9 and Love within war 10

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#9 of Dragon wars

Sorry it took me so fucking long for this but i was having readers block on this story and because of long distant relationships can reayll be hard when you ex is so far away to talk to about the plan for this story so, it took awihle. Anyway, the first chapter was short so i decided to put in two chapters. Injoy (I own all charaters) Love with war 9 Devna came to the house late at night. The guards first stopped her but when she told them who she was, they let her in. Devna knocked on the door and as soon as it opened she was pulled in hard and the door shut. She steadied herself as two arms sat her down on the couch. She looked up at Hylya and Anly who were standing and looking down at her. "What? Hylya and Anly sat by her. "Okay, I already told you on the phone why we brought you? Said Hylya "Yeah and?" "And," said Anly. "we need you sis, to bust him out." "How are we going to do that?" Anly smiled and put her arm on her sister. "Remember what we used to do when the boys would play pranks on us in the bathrooms and we would get them back the hard way?" Devna smiled. "Yeah I remember but which prank do you want to use? Prank 57 or 22?" Anly thought about it while Hylya thought about what they were talking about. "what are you two talking about?" Anly looked at her. "Well me and her used to play pranks at the males when we were younger because they used to play pranks on us. We made up a list on our pranks and we trying to find out which one is a good one." Devna lifted up. "About Prank 34?" Anly shook her head. "No we don't want to drop a stink bomb." Devna thought on. "What about prank 11?" Anly smiled a bit. "Yeah but we don't want to anybody to go lose their heads also. But why don't we try prank 101?" A devilish grin came to her as well Devna. "Yeah that would work." Hylya looked at both of them. "what is prank 101?" Both sister looked at her. Anly spoke. "This prank was our greatest prank and our last prank. We use as many fireworks as we could to distract everyone, then we set off some mini explosions that causes semi-shocks. If we do that, we can safe Valqro and runaway from here." "runaway?" asked Devna. "You never said anything about running away." Anly sighed heavily. "Devna... I know we once said that we would be together forever but if I and Hylya do this, we would be exiled out of here and we can never come back. That is why we do our prank and we never come back here." Devna shook her head. "Anly I can't do that. I still have my kids here. They have their child on the way. They have a life here, I have a life here." Anly lowered her head. "I know I can't make you go Devna but please you must understand that the Light Dragons. No my mate or ex-mate has betrayed us. The dark dragons gave a sign of peace but Qailo didn't care for that." "Why would he not? Doesn't he want to end this war?" "Apparently not." said Hylya. Anly sighed and stood up. "So.... Are we going to do this or what?" The whole night was spent and the three of them were spent trying to find a way to distract every one. Anly would take care of the fireworks. Devna would set explosions and Hylya would rescue Valqro. It took Anly an hour just to make the fire works. All Devna had to do was get a small canteens and fill them with explosive powder she kept from when they were younger, and Anly worked on how to rescue Valqro. The plan went on in till 2 a.m when they planned their escape. They know that Valqro will be killed by a shoot out on top of the prison. This prison is right in front of the desert which separates the light dragons region from the dark one's. Once they rescued Valqro, Hylya and Anly will travel with him to the dragon's region on the other side and hopefully, Valqro can get them in safely. Everything was set and in less then six hours, Valqro will be executed. It was 5 in the morning when the guards left to the prison and Hylya, Anly and Devna took the everything to the prison. It was difficult for three females to carry giant boxes to a prison but they managed to get to the prison which was a couple of miles away from the house. Once there, they avoided all the guards that have been in the upper level of the prison, they set all the explosives at the bottom of the jail, where little to no criminals were there and the fire works were placed on the top and were hidden. It was in till an hour before the execution that Anly and Hylya were on top of the prison. The guards had brought Valqro and tied him up on a pole. Hylya gasped as she saw Valqro was beaten with some many scares and bruises. Tears welded up and Anly did her best to comfort her but it wasn't till she saw Qailo came up top and was in his uniform. She held onto Hylya as he spotted them and walked to them with a puzzled face. "What are you doing here?" Anly just held onto her daughter and didn't let her see him. "I'm here to see the one my daughter loves, be killed by someone who could give a less damn about." Qailo grew a bit angered. "What is it that you don't understand? He is the enemy, not me. I have been protecting you from them since before we became mates. Why is it that you still care about that bloody, heartless bastard?" "I care for him," spoke Hylya, as she stood up and faced her father with tears. "I care because he treated me like a mate. He cared for me even after I got rejected by hundreds of males, just because of you." "Me?" He questioned in a bit anger. "What did I have to do with you not getting any males?" Hylya stood up fully and her anger grew. "Every day, ever since I had turned age when I was able to get a mate, I had to struggle to be with a male. Every time I told them that you were my father, they left me because they feared you. All of them except him," she pointed to Valqro. "He cared for me even after I told I was your daughter. He cared for me even when I told that you were the one that was killing his kind. And yet, he still wanted to be with me. He still wanted to be with me. And I wanted to be with him, after I healed his wounds, after he lost his love and even after he said that he would go back to her but I would still be his. I still care for him and he does the same and not even when he dies, will I stop loving him. Ever." It was awhile before Qailo said anything. He growled a bit. "Has it ever occurred to you that the only reason he stayed with you was so he could get to you and then you to me so he could kill me? It was his plan to use you to get to me and now, you are trying to protect him?" Hylya knew that there was know way to convince her father to listen to her. Maybe if she played along with him, things might work out to her benefit. She changed her emotion and looked up at her father. "Father, your right." she said. Anly went wide eyed and Qailo lowered his anger and turned a bit pleased. "Of course I am." he said in a smile. "How could I have been so stupid? I mean I thought... that he loved me but I figured that he just wanted to be with me, just so I could have some one, but I guess that I was wrong." Anly couldn't believe what her daughter was saying. She had just spent so much time to try and get her to save her loved one and she is actually listening to him. She was about to speak out but from in front, Hylya was brushing her tail on her leg, back and forth. At first she thought it was just her being happy or excited but then she realized that she was telling her to calm down. She remained stayed calm but decided to go along with her daughter's plan. "Hylya's right love." she said to him Hylya turned to her mother and gave a questioning look. Anly just nodded before looking down. "We were fools to think that we could trust a dark dragon and to let him get to us so he could get to you, well I can't see why he shouldn't be killed." Qailo smiled brightly and hugged the both of them. "I knew you two would understand." Both Hylya and Anly looked at each other, giving a wink to each other before they separated and looked Qailo. "So he." said to them. "You ready to watch that bastard die?" Anly and Hylya nodded. "Yeah I just hope the action doesn't start late." said Hylya, turning to her mother. Anly only smiled. "Don't worry, the action will start before the execution." "What are you two talking about?" asked Qailo as they all walked to the other side. They all saw as the guards had their rifles ready and Valqro was being tied to the pole. She held all urge to run up to him and hug him and rescue him but she steadied herself. She looked up at her father. "Father, if its okay with you, I would like to talk to Valqro before he dies. Tell that bastard off for using me to get to you." Qailo nodded. "Of course me daughter." Hylya walked off and headed towards Valqro who was still tied to the pole. The guards saw her coming and let her past and walk up to him. Valqro was awake barely and saw two scaled feet on the floor. He slowly raised his head to see a angered dragoness staring at him. He soon realized that it was Hylya. His eyes dropped a bit as he saw her anger. "You!" she growled at him. "You tried to kill my father!" Valqro raised his head in question. He saw her with an angered expression but she was never really showing it. She gave a quick smile and a wink before quickly putting on her angered face. "You just wanted to use me so you can go and try to kill my father. Then you sleep with me so you can just feel me!" Valqro didn't know what to do or say. Hylya didn't know if he knew so she slowly approached him and climbed on him. She whispered into his ear. "Just play along love. I'm going to help you escape but just play along with me." Valqro sighed. "Thank you love." She got off of him before punching him in the stomach, not hard but enough for everyone around to see it and to make him growl at her. "And that's for mating with me!" Valqro shook of the punch before growling. "Well I knew you were easy prey. Its not hard to do it to a girl who is stupid enough to listen to a black dragon." A dark smiled approached his lips. A quick wink revealed that he was playing along. Hylya growled and walked away. Qailo hugged her as she approached. "Don't worry my daughter. We will kill that bastard and make his suffer for what he has done and..." before he could replies, a explosion is triggered and the whole prison shakes. Hylya and Anly quickly ran to Valqro were they quickly untied while the fireworks began to fire into the sky. Valqro was quickly freed and carried by both of the girls on their shoulders. "What happened to Aunt Devna?" cried out Hylya. "She's going to stay here. Come on, we have to cross the desert." They held on Valqro and walked north where the prison rooftop ended and the beginning of the desert was seen. Valqro struggled a bit and let himself off from them. "Let me go. I can stand now." They let him stand and he struggled a bit before he fully stood. "Thank you." There was a second explosion and all three of them quickly jumped off the rooftop except Anly, who was held. She turned around to see Qailo holding her and growling. "You bitch! You dare betray me yet again! I should kill you for your betrayal!" He lifted his claws and strike her across the face, making her roar in pain. "I will kill you, your daughter and all of those fucking black dragons! All of you and I will do it mercilessly." He now extended his claws and was bout to strike her heart. "And they will die in less then a week!" Before he could do that, he was quickly tackled down by a dark shape, setting Anly free. "Mother!" cried Hylya as grabbed her mother. "Come on! We have to go!" Anly quickly stood up and jumped off the rooftop and opening her wings. Qailo fought back as Valqro kept him pinned before Valqro opened his maw. "This is for all the ones that you killed from my kind!" He released out his dark flame and burned Qailo's face, making the light dragon roar with pain. Valqro quickly got off of him before jumping of the building and opening his wings. He caught up to Hylya and Anly and they all quickly flew off north. When they looked back, they saw that whole prison ablaze. "Mother, did you plan that?" Anly nodded. "Yes." she said as she cleaned her face form her blood. "If I know Qailo, no simple fireworks and explosions would stop him. That is why I had Devna rig the whole place with lighter fluid. I just hope that I will see my dear sister again." "Do you know where she is?" asked Hylya. Anly shook her head. "She said that she would find a place where Qailo can't find her and the family. Hopefully, they got far away by now." They all turned to see that the sun still was in the horizon due west. "Valqro, do you know how long it will take to get us to your place?" Valqro thought for a moment. "If we keep on flying, it should take a us a day and a half, but it would take two. We need to rest and eat so we don't die from hunger or dehydration." "Are there any animals out here to hunt?" asked Hylya. "Yeah a few," he said "But they mostly come out at night so, in till then, we are in the desert." "And we are on our way to the place dark dragon's homeland." said Hylya as she held on to Valqro's and her mother's hand and flew out. * * * Love within war 10 For the whole day, all three dragons flew. From dusk till dawn and non-stop. All they saw was sand for miles around and mountains at the very distant. Heading North was there target and doing so with fear. Hylya, because she was heading to the place where she has most feared. And she was about to meet the sister of her beloved mate. She would have to face the sister she would have trouble with facing. Anly was a bit scared but not to much. She knew she would have to face this place later in her life. It was her dream to see it, even though she knew it would probably cost her life. But since she had a dark dragon by her, she had less fear then before. Valqro was totally different. He had fear for both females. His loved one. He loved her as much as he loved his sister. He would care for both of them as lover and as soulmate. Both would carry his child and they would live happily together in till their time ended. It was late afternoon when the three of them settled down. They rested on a sand dune which provided shade for them all. Valqro had each girl on the other side and had them laying on his shoulders. They rested for a good half an hour before they continued their flight north. Little was said for either of them. They wanted to anxiously get there and it wasn't to get away from their home but it was to know whether they would be allowed, even if they had Valqro. Night soon came and all three of them found a oasis where fresh water was easily found. And since this was the only oasis they seen, they hid around so they can catch any animal that would come here. When midnight came, they caught several snakes, and small desert mammals. They made a fire and cooked the meat and ate. The meat was great and it helped satisfied their appetites. Anly was the first to speak. "How far are we off, Valqro?" He took a small bite before swallowing and replying. "Well, if I am right and this oasis is the first one we spotted, then... we should reach my home by tomorrow evening." "And will we be safe if you are with us?" asked Hylya. Valqro didn't say anything. He kept his eyes on Hylya. "Valqro?" she asked. He blinked. "Of course. I will speak to my queen and I will ask for her to give you both sanctuary." They soon fell asleep on the desert sand and waited for their salvation into a new home. Hopefully. Next morning, they took flight quickly. They headed due north and flew without word again. It was a long pointless flight, with so much sand around and a couple of miles east was the ocean in which Valqro came by. The skies were cloudless, the wind was hot and it was getting close to high noon. Truly it was hot, even if they couldn't produce sweat, they were hot. To pass the time, Hylya had to break the silence. "So my love," she said. "what can we expect when we get there?" Valqro looked towards her. "Well," he began. "First they will try to attack you the second we get close enough. Then I will try to convince the queen to spare you and if she does, well that will be good. But then, we will have to deal with my sister." "Will she accept me?" asked Hylya. "Honestly, I don't know love. I... we have been planning on having a child together for a while and I honestly didn't know that I would... fall in love with any one else." Hylya nodded with small sadness. "I too didn't know I would fall in love with any one else, especially with a dark dragon who... has a loved one." Valqro sighed and nodded. All was returned to silence and more flight time was used. By evening, Valqro saw the giant gates that he knew for sure was his home land. "We are almost there." he said to the two dragonesses. They both looked and they too saw the gates from afar. At this, they both got a bit tensed and only continued their ways to the gates. When they all got close, there were several guards there and waiting with guns. Valqro landed in front of them, making the guards raise there rifles, not at him but behind him. "Who are they?" asked one of the guards, growling. He wore armor all round and a mean look, along with the other guards around Valqro stood in front of them. "They are with me. Let me in side." "I'm sorry Valqro," said the guard still holding the rifle, pointing at them. "But the queen would not allowed two light rulers inside the gates." "Then let me talk to the queen then." Valqro growled. "What is it that you want Valqro." said a voice. All three of them looked up to see a black dragoness, with red markings on her face and was wearing red armor. She jumped off the gate and landed in front of Valqro. Valqro stepped forward to her. "My queen. I ask for sanctuary and safe passage for my two companions. They are outcasts...." he was silenced as the queen put a finger on his lips. "That's all I needed to hear. I will grant them safety but I would like to know who they are." Valqro nodded and turned to them. "This is Anly, she is Hylya's mother. Hylya, Anly, this is Queen Shylla." The queen looked towards them. "Welcome Anly and Hylya. I trust that you both have been exiled and that you only wish to come here to live in peace, and not bring any harm." Anly stepped forward. "Yes. I have left my home with my daughter to escape the life I had. I have been exiled for helping Valqro." "Why would you help a dark dragon." was all the queen asked in a curious tone. Hylya spoke this time. "Because I care for him and I love him." The queen looked towards her before turning back to Valqro. "would your sister accept this Valqro?" she asked. Valqro sighed. "She will have to because I love Hylya as well." The queen nodded. "Very well. Hylya, Anly, you are welcomed here. Anly if you like, we could heal your face wounds." Anly shook her head. "No thank you, your highness. I would like to keep my marks. It will remind me that I have lost my mate and he made me an exile." The queen nodded and let them pass by. Valqro passed by her and stopped before turning around and giving the queen a hug. "Thank you... mother." The queen hugged him back. "Its good to see you well and alive, son." Both Hylya and Anly saw this and looked at each other, confused before understanding. Inside they saw huge buildings that were very decorative with dark dragon designs. It was a bit amazing to see that they build things that actually look good. Anly and Hylya didn't know where to go and they were being stared by all dark dragons. Valqro quickly came by their sides. "So you like what you see?" Hylya giggled a bit. "Yeah. I never knew you dark dragons could be so creative." "And clean." said Hylya as she saw the buildings were kept in tact and functional. Valqro smiled. "Come on. I want to show you my home. Though I hope we can find a place for you to stay in." "We will let them live in our home." said the queen. She walked up to them. "If you don't mind living with us." "OF course not." said Hylya. She started to think about her life now living with a queen and all the dark dragons. That suddenly brought back her memory of what Qailo said to her. "Um... if its alright I would like to talk to you alone, Queen Shylla." Valqro and Hylya turned to her. The queen nodded. "Go its okay Valqro. GO show Hylya where she may sleep in the extra rooms." He nodded and walked with Hylya north where a large castle like building was. Shylla turned to Anly. "Come Anly. Let us walk to the park. We can talk along the way." Anly nodded and they both walked. "When I had set Valqro, my ma... my ex-mate tried to kill me. Before he did he told me that he would kill you all and everyone one of us in less then a week. I thought that you should know this because I want to fully earn your trust." Shylla thought about it. "Well... I am sorry for you losing your mate." "Its alright." said Anly. "I just wished that he could understand that you meant no hostility." "Its quite understandable." said Shylla. They arrived to a park where large flowers of different colors grew along with precious grass. Small trees grew on the park lawn filled with luscious fruits. Several dark dragons where walking through and bringing their young ones. "Wow." said Anly, dazed by the sight. "This place is lovely. So colorful." Shylla chuckled. "What? You thought that we dark dragons love destruction and leaving everything messy?" Anly smiled and chuckled. "So I was lead to believe. At first yes I did think of you as Heartless beasts but over time I lost that kind of thoughts. I mean, you haven't attacked us in over a couple of decades and I hear from ex-mate before saying we are still at war. I didn't believe him and I should have never because if I did, I would have never seen a beautiful sight like this." Shylla smiled more. "Well I thank you for enjoying this view. However, I truly thank you for giving this information about your... ex-mate's plan. You have earned my full trust in you" Anly nodded. "I am glad that I have. Now... I know that I have just given you information and I have just lost my mate, but I would like to know if you plan to fight back." Shylla sighed. "If what you are saying is true then we have no choice but to fight back against your kind." They both walked around the park a bit in till they passed a park bench and sat there. "Though I truly wish we didn't go to war." Anly sighed and sat by her. "I wish we didn't either." There was a soft silence and the sun was on the horizon.

  • * * Valqro and Hylya had entered the castle. It was a lot bigger inside then it was on the outside. The hallway had rivers on both sides on the corners, which made it quite beautiful. Valqro smiled. "Well? Do you like it?" "I love it Valqro!" said Hylya. Valqro walked by her some more in till they reached a staircase. There, a dragoness, who looked alot like Valqro as a twin but had the queens body, was on top and in a beautiful red dress. As soon as she saw him, she cried. "Valqro!" "Viyla!" The dragoness quickly ran down the stairs and Valqro ran up stairs. Viyla jumped at him, making him catch her and land on the stairs. "Oh my dear love you have returned!" cried the dragoness, tears running down her cheek. Valqro let a few tears run down his cheek. "I missed you too love." He held on to her tightly and lovingly. Viyla removed her head from him and looked behind him to see a Light ruler female behind her. "Valqro what is a white dragon doing here?" she asked. Valqro turned around and motioned for Hylya to come. "Viyla..." he took in a deep breath. "This is Hylya." Hylya walked up the stairs to the two of them. "Hello." Viyla looked towards Valqro. Valqro stood up, picking up his sister. "Hylya, this is my sister Viyla." He turned his head to his sister. "Viyla, Hylya is my mate. She and I are together." Viyla's world just shattered into a thousand pieces. Tears were streaming down her face and before Valqro even said anything, he was slapped across the face and Viyla ran upstairs and shut her door. Hylya didn't know what to do or say. She sat by his side and held onto him Valqro let lose tears of his own. "I'm sorry." * * * comment, rate love!!