His rabbit hole is a mirror maze with curtains covering some mirrors, some of them glass windows, revolving mirrors, sliding mirror panels or funhouse mirrors, and smoke that rises up from as well as trapdoors that lead down under the chessboard-tiled floor
Shadow Project: A Strange Find
Hinson stumbled over to his mirror. the first thing he noticed was his hands in real life were normal but in the mirror they were covered in black scales and ended in short claws. as he looked up the mirror he noticed that his body was no longer human.
The Book of Warlock 20. At the edge of oblivion
He turned to her and grinned, "i linked up with a mirror universe." "what? that's crazy! there's mirror universes? so, our universe, but just a bit different? how many are there?" "actually i didn't count them.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 22
"like another illusion by mirror force?" lisa asked then the monitor showed the classic black power fur ranger decapitate mirror force. "looks like mirror force is no longer a player in the game." brian remarked.
The snow globe hit the mirror and shattered. the words smeared together like wet ink until they vanished below the edge of the mirror. all that remained were the broken pieces of the snow globe. the mirror was unscathed.
Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 11
It was a mirror of sorts, large and round. though it had its own beauty to it. it was a mirror and a window at the same time. he saw himself, in the present. looking through a window at a mirror of himself. it bothered his eyes.
dog's time
I saw the mirror that i had now a bushy tail hung my beautiful behind. i stood there, a look at myself in the mirror, tell me that i had become much more sexy than before, when i made a mistake that doubled the period of re-transformation.
Double Agent
He opened the door with those aforementioned features hoping to find a way out- instead he found a maze made up of polished mirrors- the images in the mirrors moved whether or not he moved before them.
Slam - Chapter 1: Liquid Gold
Same mirror. he did a quick body check to make sure that everything was ok. he ran his hands over his gray fur, checking for sore spots or open wounds.
Change of Heart Ch.1
I talk to my reflection saying, "why am i cursed like this, and how did this happen to me" i shake it off as the steam from the shower started to fog the mirror up.
Noise Prologue
He went into the hallway once again and into the kitchen where he looked at himself in a mirror. he yelped and jumped back, falling down. the figure in the mirror wasn't him.....it was a dragon!
Of Foxes and Ferrets Chapter 1: Strange Awakenings
My hand moved to the mirror, touching the reflection in the mirror... my first instinct was to scream, but the rational part of my brain said that would likely bring about a lot of unwanted attention. i pulled my hand back from the mirror...