Change of Heart Ch.1
I wake up at 6:15 A.M. to the sound of my alarm clock blaring away. My head instantly started pounding, like someone took a brick to it. I reach over and smack it off the night stand as it falls to the floor and stops buzzing; my headache dulls down for a moment. "Christ this is going to be an ass of a day isn't it?" Ithink to myself as I crawl out of bead and yawn loudly. I rub my eyes to awaken from my heavily sleepened state, as I slowly walk to the bathroom, I flip on thelight and my head instantly starts hurting again. The pain passes a few moments later as I look into the mirror, and see my messed up fur around my head, I lookdown towards my muzzle and gnarl my teeth at myself to brush them, morning breath is bad, but try adding that to dog breath, it's a nightmare in the mornings. After I get them cleaned off good enough, I start the shower to start the morning, letting it heat up, I go back to the mirror and take my shirt off to inspect myself. I see my usual human shaped body with some wolf appendages and different colors and layers of fur covering most of my body. I look at the middle of my chest and see the scar that I've carried for as long as I can remember, I've long forgotten how I'd gotten that, as well as a couple minor scars across my arms from the previous fights I've gotten into over the course of the last two years of high school. I talk to my reflection saying, "Why am I cursed like this, and how did this happen to me" I shake it off as the steam from the shower started to fog the mirror up. It took me less than fifteen minutes to clean myself up and get ready for my first day at yet another new school. I've considered dropping out but my mom would disown me for it, I can't stand going to these normal schools anymore, but ever since dad died two years ago we couldn't afford to go to the special schools. Pity, I actually made a couple friends there. Anyways, I get done with the shower and I'm drying myself off furiously so I don't puff up like a damned poodle, and believe you and me those types are bitchy. I walk over to the dresser and inspect the drawers deciding on what to wear, it doesn't really matter to me as long as I can get a bad look out of mom. I quickly pull out a pair of red and black checkered boxers and pull them on, thinking to myself "where did I put my clothes from last night?", I put on a pair of red Tripp pants and attach all the chains and buckles that came with it, put on a pair of socks and my best belt around my thin waist, the buckle had a rusty looking skull and crossbones on them. My ears perk up as I hear someone at the door, I open it, my mom's checking in on me to see if my furry ass is in gear and not slacking behind like usual. "Breakfast is ready Vincent, better hurry down before you miss the bus." she said. As much as I would like to miss it I'm going to have to stop this some time, I reply "ok mom, be down in a minute", and look through my room to find a shirt good enough to wear. I look up into the mirror in my room and notice my favorite shirt on the chair and instantly I get an ear to ear grin. Pulling the shirt over my head and examining it I see J and Shaggy from ICP on the front. I think to myself, "Let's see how long I last this year."
:First story I'm working on, I kno it's probably not that good but I'm trying here, tell me what you guys think so far.
Chapter 2 in works now: -ShadowWalker19