a Werewolfs love - chapter 2

The only other werewolf near here was his mentor and his mentor had brown hair and gold claws, so that definitely made him not a suspect.

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[SFW] Squirrelly Days #011 - Teran

My former mentor was once amongst the lightest of hearts amongst the rammu. chyla: what happened, if i may? teran: i'm surprised you don't already know.

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Lupis Culture: The Paragons

The paragons are cylindrical metal devices containing extremely complex artificial intelligences, each with different core directives, however all with the intent to guide and mentor the lupine people.

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Arvians - The First Loresinger

His old mentor was a great warrior and well respected among their tribe, but had always thought isiat's talents had been wasted as a lore keeper. tradition though, was why they performed their rites as they did.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Ten

Shocked to learn that his mentor was actually a sorcerer, dabbling in black arts that should never be seen by human eyes. his mentor put a knife into his heart to keep his secret safe, but the boy knew one way he could save his life."

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Untamed Love - Chapter 2

Since there was rumor of a war brewing, each race formed alliances with each other and assigned experienced warriors with a rookie partner as a mentor and carrying out missions.

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North to Nitheram

Devan interrupted his mentor, causing her to hush suddenly, "i saw it."

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The Ghost of Toronto Part 2

Whiptail turned to see a short, quivering feathered shaft protruding from his mentors back.

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GoM-Ep7-Way of life

The guardians had developed a new pattern, studying during the day and being a college student, while in their spare time learning magic from their mentors.

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 7

"hey, i'm uh...i'm real sorry for what happened to your mentor, arronix i think? he seemed pretty important, i'm sure he was a great teacher-" she was cut off. "he actually wasn't my teacher, or my mentor.

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Warriors Dawning Chpt 4

"you're welcome, but, you're my mentor, so of course i helped." "but you didn't have to." "but i did." there was a small pause, and then berrystorm broke the silence. "but, twigpaw, you didn't.

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Another Perfectly Normal Day At School

But they had kidnapped his mentor! he had to do something or- "who am i kidding? he'll be back before school is out." tony turned and ran back to the locker room entrance.

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